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How to merge two tracks consecutively into one output file

Alan Megna


Hello, I am new to using Cakewalk.  I have two tracks I recorded in a project and I want to export them back to back into one mp3 file.  I see various tools like Audio Joiner (online) or VLC or I could probably just figure out something in Windows to do it, but seems like it should be easy enough to do right in Cakewalk.  I tried to search through the online manual, but didn't find anything that provided a clear, easy answer.  Can I use Cakewalk to put the two tracks back to back into one output file and if so, how?  Thanks.                  

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Thank you for the responses.  The cut and paste worked fine and I am able to separate each track as I want.  However, I think I over simplified what I want to do - my bad.  Track 1 is a guitar track using some TH3 amplifier fx.  Track 2 is just spoken word describing what track 1 is (haha, no my playing isn't that bad) without any fx.  Anyway, depending on how I cut and paste, I either keep the effect or lose the effect when I export the combined tracks for one file output.  I want the effect on the guitar part and not on the spoken part.  Can I do that within a single track?   

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You could bounce the tracks to a single track, which would include effects - i.e. select both tracks, then go to Tracks->Bounce to Track(s).

Alternatively, you could freeze the guitar track, copy the frozen audio to another track, then unfreeze it.  The copy will have the effects on it.  You could then copy your spoken word clip after it.


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Meaning, I think, you can have the 2 takes on different tracks, the guitar effected, the voice, not, and the voice track after the guitar track. They don't have to be on the same track. Export or bounce, and you will have 1 continuous track, guitar with FX and the voice without.

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Thank you for the follow up responses.  I tried the bounce option and lost all audio in cakewalk as a result.  Don't know why, but I had to go all the way back to restarting my pc to get it to recover.  However, the the freeze/copy option appears to have worked fine.  I will have to test some more, but the exported result sounds as I would want it. 

I am not aware of an export option that merges two files together back to back (consecutively).....that is why I do not believe I could just use the export feature.  Adobe Audition appears to have that option (append) as does Audacity, but I'm trying to keep this process to one DAW and not overcomplicate it.  I think the freeze option works......thanks again everyone.                

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If the track is one big clip. You just drag the clip to where you want it to stop.   Really no offense hopefully but there are plenty of videos on YT on how to get started with Cakewalk DAW.

If multiple clips on a track which is usually the case there are multiple way to do it.  I'm leaving for an appointment now so hopefully someone else can explain the ways.

Peace and Merry Christmas

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example: each "track" = "song" - each one is offset from each other (often in a linear fashion like an EP) by dragging the clips. and then you do whatever to set volume eq etc... then output to the master stereo buss. or export each as individual files (like if you were going to upload them) etc.


later when you are more experienced - you can assign each track (clip) as an arranger section so you can easily re-order the song sequence (i'd go so far as to suggest "blank" sections as "spacers"). but let's start with the basics... ?

also, if you have not read the manual, strongly and highly recommended so you can grasp the basics of this DAW. cheers!

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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Thank you for the responses.  I have watched numerous YT videos, none of which specifically address my simple task.  I have also consulted the manual...all 1,942 pages of it.  I did figure out how to move the tracks - very easy to do once you know how.  I also found that I have to export the entire mix to get 1 file out - exporting tracks creates multiple files which is not my goal.  When I listen to the output file played through headphones plugged into my laptop, it sounds the same as it does when I listen to the tracks in Cakewalk, so all good there.   When I listen to the output through headphones plugged into my Scarlett audio interface, I lose the fx.  Not sure why, but not a big deal.  I'm good....thanks for your time, I really appreciate it.      

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