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My big Christmas gift...


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I'm glad to hear you will be able to save your dog. We had to put one of our cats to sleep last week because of an inoperable tumor in his bladder, and I would have paid much more than the bill we had if we could have done anything for him. Heading over to Bandcamp to help you out! Best Wishes for a great recovery.

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The vet tried to operate this evening but our dog started to develop a heart problem, so the operation is being put on hold until tomorrow morning when the cardiac vet will be able to assist. Just hoping that she can be operated at this point. If not, we will need to look into living with a paralyzed dog.  

It's been a very long long day.

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5 minutes ago, Greg said:

So sorry to hear-  we have a 13 year old dog with a torn ACL that can’t be operated on due to a recently found tumor in his lung :(  so I can emphasize for certain.  

Sorry to hear that. I lost a dog to cancer when I was a kid. Had it all around his heart. 

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1 hour ago, Barrie said:

I'm glad to hear you will be able to save your dog. We had to put one of our cats to sleep last week because of an inoperable tumor in his bladder, and I would have paid much more than the bill we had if we could have done anything for him. Heading over to Bandcamp to help you out! Best Wishes for a great recovery.

I'm sorry you lost your cat. I lost many a cat growing up. It's always a heartbreak. Having to make the decision to save a pet is heartbreaking. ? Above all because they (unlike us humans) are innocent souls. 


Edited by Philip G Hunt
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I'm so sorry to hear Philip.  We had to put my little dog down last April because she had congestive heart failure and it was getting worse and worse.  I try to tell myself that it was the "humane" thing to do, but honestly, it crushed me to be holding her while the vet injected the "meds".  It just plain sux when something happens to our furry companions.  And it never gets easier... 

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9 hours ago, Philip G Hunt said:

....a 5 grand vet bill for a paralyzed sausage dog. ?

If anyone wants to buy some of my music, everything will be going towards the vet bill and the post operative rehabilitation.


So sorry to hear this. :( I promise to buy something to support the poor sausage.

Losing our family cat years ago (to old age) was one of the most painful moments of my life and she was a real pest most of the time, so I can understand how gut wrenching your situation must be. Let's hope the operation is successful and you get to take your dog for walks again.

If it's not too much to ask, could you post a picture of her?

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An update on Ruby.
Last night the vet called us close to Midnight to say that the operation was successful and Ruby was awake. He performed keyhole surgery on her spine where a disc had ruptured and deposited material and blood into the spinal cavity. We will have to wait 2-3 days to see if she will recover use of her back legs or not, but the vet is confident she will make a good recovery. At the very least, the damaged area has been cleaned which will prevent further damage and potential full paralysis.
Today Ruby will be treated to a session in a Hyperbaric chamber. The clinic recommended this to speed up  recovery. Hopefully, if all goes well, we will get to bring her home this week. 

I wish to thank everyone who has reached out and helped us during this stressful moment. We've been truly humbled by the support and we wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude. Thank you. ?

We know that this is only the beginning of a longer process to recovery, but the relief we feel at having her make it through the operation itself is immense.

I'll keep everyone updated


Edited by Philip G Hunt
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Update on Ruby:
Ruby is now home (which is great) but she's still not using her back legs.  I took her for a second session in the hyperbaric chamber and Monday she will start water physio. Between those sessions we are doing physiotherapy at home which includes using an electric toothbrush between her toes to stimulate feeling and provoke a reaction. 
The good news is that there has been some reaction to stimulus at the clinic and at home, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that she'll regain some use of her legs. But it's a long road yet.
For the moment we have to empty her bladder for her as she has no bladder control.
Thank you again to everyone who has helped. Once my life is no longer split between working and nursing, I will add more music to my Bandcamp subscription section for those who signed up. I really appreciate you all. 
Keeping our fingers triple crossed.


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