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[Solved] Can’t have multiple articulations simultaneously on one midi track?


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I couldn't find any other way, so i created a new event that included a few within. It works, but not particularly intuitive and certainly slower and less convenient.

Am I missing something? Is there a way I simply didn’t find?

Edited by Keni
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37 minutes ago, reginaldStjohn said:

I am pretty sure you can have multiple articulations but they have to not be dependent. When you create the articulation maps you specify which ones are exclusive and which ones can be independent by creating different group,.


Thanks Reginald...


I thought I saw that in the release notes but haven't yet figured how. Thanks for the link. I'll do some reading and see what I can find!


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1 hour ago, reginaldStjohn said:

I am pretty sure you can have multiple articulations but they have to not be dependent. When you create the articulation maps you specify which ones are exclusive and which ones can be independent by creating different group,.


Thanks again for the lead!


Ha! I see I can duplicate an existing map and then using each map selected separately, I have managed two simultaneous articulations.. Not sure this was the best solution as I have barely scratched the surface here, but I am getting two on screen simultaneously. A bit uncertain how I made it happen ? So I've got some more learning to do but I'm on track and grateful...




A note here as I'm learning this. Different groups doesn't seem to allow simultaneous multiple articulations. I must use separate maps and I can add  numerous articulations simply by duplicating a map and using each successive simultaneous event from separate maps...


OK... I can live with that I think?




Edited by Keni
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