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A Message From Keepforest

Larry Shelby

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Dear Audience,

We are writing to you today with a very important message. As you may know, artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing and soon it will impact nearly every industry, including the world of music.

At our company, we are working on developing the world's first AI-powered trailer music generator. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way trailer music is created, making it more accessible and affordable for musicians and composers.

However, we need your support to make this project a reality. By supporting us, you will be helping us to create a tool that will benefit the entire trailer music community and make a real impact on the industry.

We urge you to consider supporting us in this important endeavor. With your help, we can be the first to bring this innovative technology to market and pave the way for a new era of trailer music creation.

However, we are aware of the growing interest in artificial intelligence and its potential impact on various industries, including the world of music. We believe that AI has the potential to improve efficiency and accessibility in many areas, but we also recognize that it raises important ethical and societal questions that should be carefully considered.


Keepforest Team and AI 

What are your thoughts on this?

The world is undergoing significant transformations, so make sure to stay up to date. Crazy times

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As you may know, artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing and soon it will impact nearly every industry, including the world of music. At our company, we are working on developing the world's first AI-powered trailer music generator. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way trailer music is created, making it more accessible and affordable for musicians and composers.

What are your thoughts . . . ?

For years I wanted some audio device tied into my phone that would make con artists and identity thieves posing as telemarketers, software problem-solvers, etc.  **** in their pants, vomit uncontrollably, have seizures, lose the power of speech, etc.  Now that every industry is moving towards using AI to affect consumers of all sorts of communication, how about using AI to detect con artist callers, e-mail spammers, fake website developers, and other evil people and fry their electronic devices?

That's my thought on using AI to make trailer music to subconsciously affect consumers.


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I think AI's going to open up a can of copyright worms, or at least make some ripples in the area.

As things are now, works are copyrighted and people can claim copyright infringement if there are substantial (or even unsubstantial as we've seen in some cases) similarities in works.

AI can be really powerful, but AI needs to be trained on source material. If I understand correctly, some governments are making all works open for AI learning (there may or may not be a possibility to opt out). As the output of AI will be derived from its learnings, there is going to be a whole lot of new AI generated music that will sounds like the various pieces that it was trained on. I'm not sure how copyright if going to be affected by this.

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My first reaction is that Keepforest (since Evolution Dragon) has been a pioneer in making it super easy to make trailer music.   But still, these are toolkits for muscians and sound designers. They don't make the trailer music--they just save  time.  

But AI doesn't just help composers.  It has the potential to replace a lot of them.    A lot of producers just don't want to pay for things.  A trailer editor with AI traukwe nyaux software can easily turn in the job.

Until they make AI to replace the editor.  ?


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I first was kind of hoping that AI is coming to help us with the most tedious tasks while producing or composing, things like select every note that falls into certain condition and change to something I want (something like interpolate but more advanced - we're still missing some bit more than basic functions in most DAWs today). Then AI came and started with doing music instead of us, musicians. Soon we'll be sitting on the couch unconsciously listening to some AI music while thinking what the heck happened to the music industry. That's how I see it.

Edited by chris.r
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10 years ago if you were in a field with a robot and that robot wanted to kill you, it wouldn't be a problem, you could just run away from it. Now, these robots can run faster than you, so if you were in that same field with a modern robot it's game over for you. What nobody seems to, or wants to realize is that this is a massive evolutionary jump in 10 years or so which took evolution millions of years to evolve between predator and prey.

At this rate, robots will take over in as little as 300 years. Make no mistake, the robot apocalypse is already on it's way.


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2 hours ago, paulo said:

Deer Keepforest- what the heck kinda name is that anyway ? Who said it's yours in the first place ?

We don't need no stinking AI to make no music for us. We can do it for our ownselfs.. Y'hear......


Left to right, I'm seeing a can pop, a can of beer, some Cajun spices, and some iced tea. I think she she's telling them to turn it down, although the LP doesn't seem to be plugged in. 

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1 hour ago, Tezza said:

10 years ago if you were in a field with a robot and that robot wanted to kill you, it wouldn't be a problem, you could just run away from it. Now, these robots can run faster than you, so if you were in that same field with a modern robot it's game over for you. What nobody seems to, or wants to realize is that this is a massive evolutionary jump in 10 years or so which took evolution millions of years to evolve between predator and prey.

At this rate, robots will take over in as little as 300 years. Make no mistake, the robot apocalypse is already on it's way.


As long as I can run faster than you, then I may be OK.

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16 hours ago, Tezza said:

10 years ago if you were in a field with a robot and that robot wanted to kill you, it wouldn't be a problem, you could just run away from it. Now, these robots can run faster than you, so if you were in that same field with a modern robot it's game over for you. What nobody seems to, or wants to realize is that this is a massive evolutionary jump in 10 years or so which took evolution millions of years to evolve between predator and prey.

At this rate, robots will take over in as little as 300 years. Make no mistake, the robot apocalypse is already on it's way.


At least Sarah Connor will be there to save us all.

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16 hours ago, Tezza said:

10 years ago if you were in a field with a robot and that robot wanted to kill you, it wouldn't be a problem, you could just run away from it. Now, these robots can run faster than you, so if you were in that same field with a modern robot it's game over for you. What nobody seems to, or wants to realize is that this is a massive evolutionary jump in 10 years or so which took evolution millions of years to evolve between predator and prey.

At this rate, robots will take over in as little as 300 years. Make no mistake, the robot apocalypse is already on it's way.


I am ready for our robot overlords. That is why I talk so nicely to my Google NEST.

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(I use "art" here to include both visual arts and music.)

My prediction: in the future the majority of the useless/filler/functional art will be generated by AI software and people who currently do that kind of work will find themselves without a job. So if you're currently writing trailer music, jingles for commercials, elevator music etc. or doing art for blog articles, custom character art commissions, concept art etc. AND you're not one of the top people in your field, you're very likely in for some tough times.

As the AI generated content becomes more common I believe there will also be a newfound appreciation for art that is created by humans. I'd love to say that people will yearn for the art to have some deeper meaning and look for that human connection between artist and the consumer, but I'm afraid that is something too abstract. You could just generate a piece of art, say a human made it and make up some nice story about it, and people would swear they feel what you're saying.

Instead I think there will be an appreciation of the craft itself, that a human has the necessary talent and is willing to make the effort to create something when you could just do it with a click of a button. In the same way you might appreciate a ring made by a jeweler but not be too impressed by a 3D printed one. Of course the artist themselves might have enough value to generate interest (like Banksy), and there will always be people who love to show everyone that they are better (ie. richer) than everyone else by getting their portrait done "the old way".

I should add that I don't think people who, for example, write trailer music don't have any talent or that trailer music is somehow inferior. But certain type of art just happens to be of the type that can be easily generated by AI, because it's often very simple and formulaic by design. Also, I would imagine that people who commission it are not really interested in its artistic merits and just want something cheap that works well enough for its purpose.

So yeah. Times change and we need to change with them.

PS. Check out ChatGPT if you haven't already. If you're not interested in creating another account for it (phone number required) at least google for some of the crazy interactions people have had with it. The next year is going to bring some exciting/scary things with it.

Edited by pseudopop
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