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Gullfoss EQ: what do you think?

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I have an interesting theory behind the concept of how it functions and if I am correct it would make total sense.

So many have tried the “mixing by Pink Noise” approach and that is what I think is the principle behind Gullfoss. It was something I read on the website that was explaining the naming behind the EQ.


The inspiration for using the name of a waterfall for our plugin comes from one of the questions we asked ourselves while developing our theory. Why do waterfalls sound so pleasing? To answer, one could argue that a waterfall generates close to pink noise. However, that leads to a similar question. Why does pink noise sound pleasing? Both waterfalls and pink noise come near to maximizing the amount of information perceived by your brain. They give your brain more of what it wants. Gullfoss the software is all about organizing the information in the signal so that your brain finds the result more pleasing. Just like a waterfall.

So this would make total sense as the controls of Gullfoss are sort of referencing some sort of Pink Noise algorithm against the input signal and doing its magic.

I have been using the trial version and it is indeed a very interesting plugin. I also have paired it with iZotope’s  Tonal Balance Control and it is impressive to see (and hear) the results.

p.s. Gullfoss has nothing to do with dental hygiene ?

Edited by Simeon Amburgey
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Which do you like best?  

Have you tried Auto Audio Mastering System?  They have a free version.  I like the pop Eq.  www.curiosa.com. I wish those kind of things would work even better! Also Harbal it is post mixing software. Of those 2 I like AAMS best easier to use. I tried 31 the other day. I didn’t care for it that much I go like Gullfloss it is nice. Haven’t tried isotope yet. Do they have a demo?

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51 minutes ago, Max Arwood said:

Which do you like best?  

Have you tried Auto Audio Mastering System?  They have a free version.  I like the pop Eq.  www.curiosa.com. I wish those kind of things would work even better! Also Harbal it is post mixing software. Of those 2 I like AAMS best easier to use. I tried 31 the other day. I didn’t care for it that much I go like Gullfloss it is nice. Haven’t tried isotope yet. Do they have a demo?

I only have experience with iZotope (Ozone 8 and Neutron 3), Hornet's 31 and Gullfoss. I am really liking Gullfoss as once you understand the paradigm it becomes easier to use. What has really helped me as well is iZotope's Tonal Balance Control as you can see how the frequency balance is working. 31 is a very interesting EQ as well and as with anything there is a personality and learning curve that helps you figure out the strengths and weaknesses and how best to use it in a particular project. 

I will have to check out the others you mention.

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Could you tell us what you like about these and which you have been using the most.  I just moved and my new mixing room is REALLY bad. The worst I have ever mixed in. 

Any suggestions would be welcome. 

Watched your orchestra  demo last night- really good. 

Edited by Max Arwood
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11 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

Could you tell us what you like about these and which you have been using the most.


Well have not been able to do much the past few days but I am liking Gullfoss a lot. It seems to do something very subtle and you can definitely hear the difference and like I mentioned before having the iZotope Metering and Tonal Balance Control really gives you more confirmation of what it was doing. Also one of the really cool features of the iZotope products is that they can talk to each other so I can have the Tonal Balance Control pulled up and make adjustments to Ozone inside of and see the results right away. 

The understanding of the Gullfoss terminology is still a work in progress but trial and error have been very good teachers. When I get back to the studio I am going to try Audio Mastering System. I am also looking into the possibility of some of the other "auto" or "AI" EQs and Compressors so we shall see.

11 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

 I just moved and my new mixing room is REALLY bad. The worst I have ever mixed in. 


Well, I would say as others have mentioned in the past that the room is very critical and plugins really can't do much to improve the physical aspects of your space. I would check to see what the biggest offenders are in causing it to sound bad and try to address those as it will drive you nuts trying to work around some of these things. I think that is one of my issues as well and looking for ways to address reflections, frequency nodes, etc.

11 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

Watched your orchestra demo last night- really good. 


Which one; Philharmonik 2?

Thanks so much for the input. It is an amazing journey; the joy of hearing something click is worth jumping through all of the learning curve's hoops, highs, and lows.

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Philharmonik 2! 

Nice always wanted something like that. 

Is the current price of 249 a good price?

Looking at smart:Eq   And smart:comp tonight. They are only at v 1.???  Kind of new.  

EQ is working Compressor keeps locking up and after save it doesn’t want to reopen.

Still like Gullfloss with AAMS best.

Max Arwood

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2 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

Philharmonik 2! 

Nice always wanted something like that. 

Is the current price of 249 a good price?

Looking at smart:Eq   And smart:comp tonight. They are only at v 1.???  Kind of new.  

EQ is working Compressor keeps locking up and after save it doesn’t want to reopen.

Still like Gullfloss with AAMS best.

Max Arwood

They are having a special sale at the moment where you could get the crossgrade price of $149


I posted in the DEALS section that Audioplugin Deals was running a special on smart: EQ2,  smart: COMP and some other Sonible plugins.



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Learning more each day about Gullfoss. I have been working through a lot of misconceptions based on early experiences; especially my reference to using Pink Noise.

While this is a technique many have used in the past as a mix and balance tool Gullfoss definitely does not go there. I am still wrapping my head around this as I know many other Gullfoss users are. 

I found a very fascinating article recently interviewing Andreas Tell who is the lead developer for Gullfoss and it is a very good read full of a lot of info to help all of us  to gain more insight on this amazing plugin.



Edited by Simeon Amburgey
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