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Positive Grid BF Sale

Larry Shelby

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8 hours ago, Patricio Campos said:

It is hard to believe that this company doesn't have native Apple Silicon support yet for their products. And it looks like they only provide VST2 and AAX formats for their flagship products. I would never buy something from them, their lack of support to their customers is incredible IMO.

With other options on the market that I think sound/feel better, I not interested in investing in the software.  But while I respect what the M1 and M2 can do, Apple was only an 8% share of computer sales last year, and the product still works fine without catering to an absurdly small percentage of the potential market.  Even without native coding they still work.  At the same time while I install VST3 every time it is offered, the reality is VST2 still seems like a more stable format for developers.  I've had a few VST3s act up when the VST2 of the same plugin worked fine.  I'm not going to name specific developers but 3 come to mind.  

In addition, VST3 isn't as widely supported as VST2 is.  I rarely use plugins within a NLE, but even today was using a flagship product that is 2 years old and noticed it didn't supports VST3 but supports 2.  

Edited by Brian Walton
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well, Apple market share is 8% for all users, but I am quite sure that its marketshare for audio related users is quite more than that. Apple silicon is a huge innovation and improvement. I am convinced that in the next few years it will take over all of the Mac user base. I can't understand audio software companies not understanding this.

Regarding VST3, if you don't update to this format you are leaving all of your Cubase/Nuendo users behind. Also something I don't think is very smart from them. VST3 was released years ago and at least to me (I am hobbyist so I could be wrong) it makes way easier the side chain setup for plugins among other things.

To me Positive Grid is plainly lazy and they really do care of getting money without investing in their product development. Something that some other companies does too.


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The development companies' ethics aside, with a little work you can get the BIAS family of stuff to sound pretty awesome, overcoming their immediate 'shortcomings' in a little time. I have all their top tier stuff, well all their stuff, from BIAS Amp (1) forwards. Although I no longer use them, I recently purchased their OMNYSS expansion just after launch, sounds pretty damn fine, and very fitting if you have something dark and gloomy and deathly in mind. Very nice cleans, and certainly not just for the Metal side of town.

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