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PA Announcement

Larry Shelby

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Hello everybody, again!

Once in a while you do something that feels like you are really having an impact on your industry or art. Almost 15 years ago I designed and released the very first M/S Mastering EQ plugin (bx_digital), which was the first plugin I ever created by the way. Since then Brainworx and Plugin Alliance have had many 'hits' which have changed the way many people produce music and mix audio in general.

But... today I feel like tomorrow we are about to release something that is so much bigger than any single plugin concept could ever be, so I wanted to reach out to you again and give you a status report.

Since my last email to you we have released 6 fantastic new plugins, all of which will finally be available to you from tomorrow on:

Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor (Native & Improved)

Focusrite Studio Console (TMT)

Purple Audio MC77 (1176 on steroids)

Ampeg V-4B (Bass Amp)

Diezel VH4 (Guitar Amp)

ProAudioDSP DSM V3 (Dynamic Spectrum Mapper)

But... the real news, the big one, which we will be sharing with you all in just a few hours, is that we haven't just developed some exciting new plugins. Instead, we will be introducing a whole new way for you to use a much larger selection of our plugins in your productions! A larger selection, more affordable and more flexible than ever before.

The Plugin Alliance repertoire now contains more than 100 plugins from 28 different brands. Let that sink in! And we know from listening toyou on social media and from talking to our support teams that your #1 wish is to be able to afford using more of our plugins in your sessions. Without having to chase bi-daily flash sale emails or breaking the bank. We hear you!

And we believe our teams have created something really outstanding in the past few months! We can't wait to invite you to all of it tomorrow. Whether you are open to new ways of getting access to the tools you want and/or need, or whether you want to continue buying your favorite plugins from us the traditional way.

So, while we will invite you to a NEW service tomorrow, we want to make sure YOU can choose exactly how you want to get your hands onto our established and brand-new plugins. For that reason we have decided to send you not one, but two completely separate emails in a few hours. 

Email 1 will have various voucher codes for you, for all 6 of our new releases. Combine those codes with our new and improved Dynamic Discounts, and you'll be able to purchase these 6 plugins for way less than people who are not signed up for our email newsletters. This is our way to say thank you for following our marketing activities.

The 2nd email though will finally invite you to rethink our old business model and take a close look at our new offering! 

All the emails will be personalized by the way!
You'll get two customized offers based on

the number of different PA licenses you already own 

and the amount of money you spent with us in the last year.

We have spent weeks analyzing our data and trying to come up with best and fairest offer for each and every single one of you.

As you know PickPack is no more, so there won't be specific PickPack offers anymore, but since we gifted you all 10 of your PickPack licenses most of you now fall under the Heavy Hitter category anyway (a Heavy Hitter at PA owns 20+ different licenses).

If I can ask you for just one thing:
Please read both of our emails before you visit plugin-alliance.com tomorrow!

We may have something for you that is almost too good to be true, at least this was the reaction we got from most of the people we spoke to internally when dreaming up our new vision for you.

What we are about to send you tomorrow... internally we call it the 'Deal Of Your Lifetime'. And we believe that you will be pleasantly surprised (maybe shocked?) and happy to find out what the hell we are even talking about for the last few weeks now. ?

I wished I could just tell you everything right now, but we are preparing the final assets for the launch as you read this. And we are determined to deliver a flawless, quality release. So please bear with us for just a few more hours!

I mainly wanted to make sure personally you all know already that there will be two options to choose from tomorrow. No matter which concept you prefer, we are looking forward to continue helping you make everything you do sound better!

Best wishes, and we will definitely be in touch again shortly!
Dirk & the PA Team

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2 hours ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

I know lets lets roll out a giant epic sale and price structure change on Amazon Prime Day. 


Yeah really!! 


Dirk said everything but subscription!!!

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I learnt that with time , marketing hype alwayz dissapointed me ...

i also learnt that each time , brands were sure they had the absolute truth , we as users pointed out the cons , but they , with their arrogance ignored it until they faced the reality ... not they come up with another instance truth that they re sure it s new new shhh ...


îsee a pattern here , and i m not talking pa specificaly here at all. ... just saying ..

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Oh dear another subscription based system, no thanks. I hope this isn't going to effect the plugins I've already purchased! 

*$24.99 a month 

*$249 a year

*at the time of this post.


Edited by rasure
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yes, slightly underwhelming at this stage...considering all the hype

I'll wait for the 2 follow up emails before judging


first email is in - so the yearly deal for subscribers (who don't own anything) is $199 per year and the deal for heavy hitters is $179.  $20 discount doesn't seem like a great deal for those of us with a lot of plugs already and who knows what those prices are going to be next year.


2nd email is in - the introductory price for the new plugs in not particularly attractive -  I assume that's to encourage you to go for the mega-deal.   Also most of my voucher codes are missing from the email (some of the emails were sent twice, once with codes and once without).

Really nothing at this stage that's in the least bit exciting or groundbreaking here.   I'm probably just going to use my monthly voucher on an existing plug.


Edited by simon
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I think I have all legacy PA minus 2 plugins and the 6 new ones. This isn't tempting at all.  Only real upside is that PA release plugins often.  One would think they are going to cool off on the 29$ plugins. 

For new users this would be appealing. 


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One bad thing about the mixed subscription and full purchase model is that in order to justify the subscription costs they pretty much have to stop offering serious discounts on the purchase prices.  This is the big factor in me pretty much ignoring EastWest/Quantum Leap and spending way more money on Kontakt libraries.  It's also why I haven't bought any Slate plugins.  There is no way to offer reasonable discounts on purchases and still keep the subscription value high.  I wish they would just pick one or the other and not try and make both work, even if that means subscription only.

I own everything I actually want from PA (more or less) so $180 for a year of the new plugins doesn't seem like a great deal to me.  We will have to see how this plays out, but I suspect to make the sub work they will pretty much kill serious discounts on purchases.

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I don't quite understand the thinking behind this. $20 annual discount isn't going to pull in those with a lot of PA plugins; $199 p.a. isn't cheap for those who don't (my Komplete update was much cheaper, for instance).  In between, I'm not going to spend money now on PA plugins (I have very few bought cheaply) when I might buy the subscription at some time in the future. What lies inbetween? As I see it, you're now either going to buy a subscription or nothing, and probably nothing. Or am I missing the point? I suspect this will go substantially cheaper on Black Friday. It would make sense for PA to offer a decent initial subscription and then bump the price up once people are locked in.

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They raised excitement and hopes so high and then... bum... I have seen offers and well... 

Seem I will not even get Diezel thing... But I have tons of amp sims, impulses so why should I go for 99$+VAT for single amp sim?

But we still have 29$ revolution over the world so we will see in few months what happens in PA...

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I think they've made a bit of a rod for their own back.  We've all grown accustomed to their $29/$49 offers on some of the great plugins and it makes $229 (heavy hitter introductory discount) really high for that new focusrite plug pretty high IMO

edit - piotr beat me too it - same sentiments here


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