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[UPDATE] Free COMPRE by Analog Obssesion - WARNING: bugged install!

Jacques Boileau

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I wanted to post this before anyone tries it out. The install is buggy, at least on Windows and at least on my PC. It created a start menu group that simply points to stuff that does not exist and there is no uninstall even if the start menu has an entry for it. I wanted to leave a comment to give the author a heads up, but you have to pay to become a Patreon member for his site to be able to help out and leave a comment about it! ?

It is unfortunate that Analog Obsession does not offer a simple zip file like they used to, from which I could simply copy the VST3 to my VST3 dir and be done with it!

But it seems like a nice idea for a double compressor with 3 types of compressors blendable.

If you do install it, you can safely delete the start menu group and you should be ok.

UPDATE: Good news, the zip file has been added on the site! You can now just copy the VST3 file to your VST3 folder.





I wanted to celebrate Pro Tools / AAX support with new plug-in before update my whole plug-ins with AAX support!

Here is COMPER!

"Multi-Mode", "Serial Compression" with "Switchable" and "Blendable" circuits! 


Not at all! Let me explain!

Basically, COMPER has two compressor in series. Top side compressor is first and bottom side is second compressor. As you can see, top side labeled as "INTERNAL" and bottom side labeled as "INTERNAL / EXTERNAL". This means top compressor has no external side-chain feature. But bottom one has both internal and external side-chain feature. This is "Serial Compressor". Great for coloring and also, taming peaks at the same time. Lots of scenarios! Simple...

Let's talk about Multi-Mode!

Each has three compression mode. VCA, FET and OPTO. You can simply select which mode you want to use. So, it's basic "Switchable" mode compressor. But these buttons are not radio-button to select mode with one click. You need to click active button to disable it and enable another mode. Extra clicks??? Why?!?

Because you can use these modes TOGETHER! This is "Blendable" part! 

You can select VCA and OPTO or VCA and FET or any of them or all of them, at the same time! These circuits are PARALLEL and they will be summed according to their count. For example, if you use two mode at the same time, you will get 50/50. If you use all of them, you will get 33.33~/33.33~/33.33~. Using one? 100... 

That's all!


- Two compressors in series with three circuits for each

- Multiple circuits are usable for each compressor (VCA - FET - OPTO)

- THRESHOLD +10dB to -20dB

- RATIO 1:1 to 20:1 (With 1:1 you can get extra transformer color)

- ATTACK 0.1 to 50ms

- RELEASE 0.05 to 2sec

- INPUT +/-15dB gain compensated (Usable if Threshold can't reach low signals or if you want to push it harder!)

- MAKE-UP +/-15dB

- MIX will "mix" dry and wet signal

- EXT will engage External Side-Chain for second compressor

- POWER will bypass whole plug-in

- ANALOG OBSESSION label is oversampling. Simply click it and engage 4x oversampling.

- Touchscreen support

- Resizable interface. Simple "Bottom Right Corner Handle" to resize. 50% to 200%.

*Resizing Tip: When you duplicate plug-in, it will remember current state of GUI size. But if you load new instance, it will be opened at default size. To get rid of this issue, simply follow these steps;

1. Open plug-in for the first time

2. Resize GUI according to your screen resolution or you liking before setting any knobs

3. Save this state as default preset with your DAW

Now, you will be able to load new instances with same size. 

(If you want to go default size, simply double click to resize handle.)


VST3 / AU / AAX Native - Audiosuite | Mac 10.11 - 13.X (Requires a graphics card that supports "Metal")

VST3 / AAX Native - Audiosuite | Windows 10 - 11



Edited by Jacques Boileau
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