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2022.11 Update 1 [Updated 1-Dec-2022]

Morten Saether

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[UPDATE 1-Dec-2022: Cakewalk 2022.11 Update 1 (build now available]

We're pleased to announce the 2022.11 release! This release includes various usability enhancements and over 30 bug fixes for user reported issues. 

Please note that in order to automatically keep your activation status up to date, Cakewalk will renew your activation status whenever a new version of the application is installed and run for the first time, and when you sign in to BandLab from within Cakewalk. If you have never signed in to BandLab from within Cakewalk, you will be prompted once to sign in. 


The Bakers

For new feature details, see New Features.

To download and install the 2022.11 update, select Help > Check for Updates from within the app.

Should you need to revert to the 2022.09 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2022.09 Rollback installer.



Update Dec 1 2022:

2022.11 Update 1 (build


  • Quick group support for track effect bin Delete command
  • Delete All now available in effect bin menus
  • Improved app startup and shutdown performance when running on local network without internet or with a slow internet connection
  • Improved project load performance
  • Show clip stretch amount to 2 decimal places

Bug fixes:

  • Crash when quick group bypassing FX Chains when other effects are in the bin
  • Don't require SHIFT for quick-group recursing FX Chains, if you're invoking from an effect already within ProChannel FX Chain
  • Quick group delete (CTRL+SHIFT) FX Chains across multiple tracks fails to remove the plugin instance in the other track FX chains
  • Quick group replace/delete (CTRL+SHIFT) effect from track effects bin should also affect ProChannel FX chain
  • Quick Group insert FX into ProChannel FX Rack inserts into track bin instead
  • Additional support for quick grouping in FX Chains
  • Incorrect plugin menu behavior
  • ProChannel can be empty after inserting a new audio track



2022.11 Highlights


Behavior changes

  • The Use MMCSS option in Edit > Preferences > Audio - Playback and Recording now excludes setting MMCSS for ASIO drivers by default. 
    • If your ASIO driver supports MMCSS by default, no action is needed. If your ASIO driver has an MMCSS option in its control panel, you need to explicitly enable it now to get MMCSS performance from the driver.
    • If MMCSS isn't supported, you can explicitly select Enable MMCSS for ASIO Driver to get MMCSS performance from the driver.
    • To check if the driver is running in MMCSS mode, hover over the performance toolbar and it should show the Audio Thread Priority as "Realtime". If it shows "Time Critical" or something else, try enabling MMCSS for the driver.



Replace audio effect

You can now replace audio effects from track or bus effect bins. To do so, right-click an effect and select Replace Audio FX, then select the desired effect.

You can use quick grouping to replace all instances of the same effect in all selected tracks or buses. To do so, select the desired tracks or buses containing the effects, then hold down the CTRL key while choosing the replacement effect. In order to also replace plugins found inside FX Chains, hold down CTRL+SHIFT. 
NOTE:  To quick group replace effects in both tracks and buses you must do the above operation individually for tracks and buses.



Improved MIDI clip controller rendering

To improve legibility, MIDI controller events are now drawn darker and behind note events in MIDI clips.


You can also show/hide controller events by clicking the Track view View menu and selecting Display > Show MIDI Controller Events.



Navigate to Arranger sections via context menu

You can right-click the Show/Hide Arranger Inspector button image.png to access a list of all sections in the active Arranger track. This allows you to quickly navigate to sections without having to open the Arranger inspector.



Optionally send Send All Notes Off message to VST plug-ins

Using certain VST plugins can result in stuck notes after playback stops. You can now optionally send "All Notes Off" messages to all VST plugins when the transport stops, by enabling Send All-Notes-Off Messages on Stop in Edit > Preferences > File - VST Settings.

This option is off by default to avoid incurring delays when stopping playback when using many virtual instruments.


Added preference for enabling/disabling MMCSS for ASIO drivers

This allows you to enable MMCSS (multimedia time critical threads) independently from the ASIO driver state. 
According to the ASIO specification, drivers are recommended to run in MMCSS mode by default. If you wish Cakewalk to manage the drivers MMCSS mode, check the "Enable MMCSS for ASIO Driver" option.

Note: This option defaults to off, to avoid conflicts with drivers that already manage their internal MMCSS state. This is a change in behavior from past versions, so if your ASIO driver has an MMCSS option in its control panel, you need to explicitly enable it now to get MMCSS performance from the driver. 

To enable MMCSS for ASIO drivers, select Enable MMCSS for ASIO Driver in Edit > Preferences > Audio - Playback and Recording.

Note: Some drivers default to MMCSS off in their control panel. If you wish to use MMCSS for these drivers, you will need to manually enable it in the driver control panel or set the Enable MMCSS for ASIO Driver option in Cakewalk. 



Performance improvement in WASAPI mode

When MMCSS is enabled, the main audio thread now runs in MMCSS mode when driver model is WASAPI. This should improve performance a bit when running onboard audio devices in WASAPI shared mode.


Quick group support for effect bins

Quick grouping is now supported for the following operations:

  • Track/Bus effect bin Bypass
  • Track/Bus effect bin Delete Effect (hold down CTRL+SHIFT to also remove an effect from any FX Chains within the selected tracks)
  • Individual Track/Bus effect bypass
  • Replace Track/Bus audio effects


Performance module shows audio thread priority

The audio thread priority is now displayed in the Control Bar's Performance module tooltip, which can be useful for troubleshooting purposes.


If the main audio thread is running in MMCSS mode, the tooltip should read like this:


Note: If the tooltip shows "Time Critical" when MMCSS is enabled in ASIO mode, it's possible that the driver is not using MMCSS, or has set up MMCSS incorrectly. In Realtime mode, priority may be higher than 18.


Bug fixes

  • Drag and drop of audio from track with patch point crashes
  • Crash when trying to open project with incomplete event archive (audio events with no filename saved)
  • Crash deleting instrument track with Spitfire Audio BBC Symphony Orchestra
  • Application can crash on load with certain track templates
  • Crash when undoing the deletion of an aux track
  • Loading a project while another one was open could result in incorrect tempo being displayed in tempo track 
  • Regression: Mono hardware outputs always output as stereo
  • Tracks sourced from aux track L/R/S always show a stereo record meter when armed
  • Second export of Mix Recall tasks has unexpected error
  • Previous MIDI loop takes can be heard during comping and/or Auto Punch+Mute Previous Takes
  • Overlapping Arranger sections when moving section with overwrite on empty project
  • Opening a project that is already open causes the document modified state to be cleared and re-initializes the open project
  • Bouncing with selected aux tracks alone doesn't automatically include sources routed to the aux track, leading to silent output
  • Now time should not be set during Arranger move/resize operations during playback
  • Multi-dock draws incorrectly, and views do not open after opening certain projects
  • Clip Map fails to draw correctly on AudioSnap clips
  • Offset tempo map loses resolution 
  • Undo delete effect doesn't restore MIDI Input enabled state
  • Orphaned envelope cannot be reassigned after replacing effect
  • Envelopes are orphaned after undoing track effect bin Delete Effect
  • Regression: Track Inspector flickers and draws after the main app window is drawn when opening a project
  • Browser collapsed state fails to persist when opening project
  • Browser width not restored correctly after expanding
  • Incorrect docked view order after project load
  • Control Bar appears cut off when switching back from a new workspace
  • MultiDock draws incorrectly, and views do not open after opening certain projects
  • MultiDock not restored to maximized after expanding

Latest release notes are here.
See prior release notes.
Check out all new features released to date.


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