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Zebra Legacy (Zebra2, all soundsets, Dark Zebra) €99


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I started a new project just for exploring all the new soundsets. 24 instances of Zebra so far - and this is one of the reasons I like Zebra - the project takes 3 seconds to load. 

btw, a rough count of all these patches comes to around 3,000. I reckon I'll have thoroughly explored them all just about the time Zebra3 is announced in 2025.

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Tired eveything and those preset don't appears even when moving folder it says "unknown files format in zebra ....

Clean isntall  : nope 

Drag and drop : i have the can't drop sign 

Copy past in folder : nope 

Giving up 

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40 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

I started a new project just for exploring all the new soundsets. 24 instances of Zebra so far - and this is one of the reasons I like Zebra - the project takes 3 seconds to load. 

btw, a rough count of all these patches comes to around 3,000. I reckon I'll have thoroughly explored them all just about the time Zebra3 is announced in 2025.

24 instances of Zebra ? are you doing the soundtrack of the next batman ?

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That's how I ended up doing it, via the context menu on the logo.

4 hours ago, Zo said:

24 instances of Zebra ? are you doing the soundtrack of the next batman ?

Oh, I'm just getting started!

Many of the instances only play a few notes, typically percussive effects. The point of the exercise is to identify patches that I can either apply as-is, or, more likely, to use as a starting point for a custom patch.  

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16 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

That's how I ended up doing it, via the context menu on the logo.

Oh, I'm just getting started!

Many of the instances only play a few notes, typically percussive effects. The point of the exercise is to identify patches that I can either apply as-is, or, more likely, to use as a starting point for a custom patch.  

I was doing a patches tours , nothing exeptional but some grea5 ones here and there ... i wish we could rename favorites folders (colored)

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10 hours ago, Zo said:

i wish we could rename favorites folders

Absolutely. It's been requested before, so I expect to see is as a new feature in Z3.

I screwed up back when I first started using Zebra, by attempting to organize them by ranking, e.g. grey for just OK favorites, red for my favorite favorites, like Omnisphere's star ratings. It was a stupid idea, because how cool a patch is depends entirely upon the context in which it's being used. A thick, fat pad might sound awesome in isolation but not be very useful in a song. A boring sinewave bass patch might be just the ticket when you want to subtly fill out the low end.

I'd also be very happy to have a dialog box that I can type in when naming and describing custom patches. That dialog needs to be "modal", meaning that all keystrokes are always routed to it rather than to the host application. Like the "click OK to continue" type of messageboxes where you can do nothing else in Windows except click OK. As it is, when I want to save a custom patch I have to open Notepad, type the text there, and then copy-paste the text into Zebra's dialog box.

So yeh, as much as I love Zebra it definitely has room for improvement in the UI.

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6 hours ago, pwalpwal said:

isn't this a long-standing thing with cakewalk/sonar? (rather than the plugin)

Well, I guess it is. But I've never run into a problem with any other plugin or instrument.

Obviously, you want keyboard shortcuts to still work even though there's a plugin UI onscreen. Imagine if you couldn't stop and start playback because a plugin was up. So it's by design and probably what you want to happen.

The plugin vendor could, however, handle it internally for just that dialog if he were so inclined. But Urs is famous for declining enhancement requests with a curt "you don't need that". Most of the time, he's right.

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Begging your indulgence for a newb question.  I have a ton of synths, don't need another, but I am on this forum, so.....

I have nothing U-he.  This $99 for Zebra "everything" has my interest.  I have the demo installed and have been plinking through the included pre-sets.  The 15 minute limit went QUICK, but I am fine with the random note thing to audition the synth.  For the price, I am just looking at the sheer volume of pre-sets.  No idea if I will want to dig in and program, but the value would be there to me in the libraries alone.

Question- The factory library (or whatever is included in the demo version) seems well organized as far as the pre-set interface with all the tagging.  Will all the pre-set packs in the bundle also just add to that ecosystem as one grand collection (for "easy" searching)?


Thank you!

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13 hours ago, Brian Lawler said:

Question- The factory library (or whatever is included in the demo version) seems well organized as far as the pre-set interface with all the tagging.  Will all the pre-set packs in the bundle also just add to that ecosystem as one grand collection (for "easy" searching)?

Kind of. The search feature in Zebra isn't great. But then, I can't name another synth that truly makes it easy to search for patches - including Omnisphere, where they've really made a serious effort to do so.

You just have to audition patches and mark the ones you like best as Favorites. 

One viable alternative to Zebra you may want to check out is Synthmaster. Both have confusing UIs and require significant effort to program, but both are very capable and both have extensive third-party patch collections if you just want to use presets. Unlike Zebra, Synthmaster is often on sale. That said, I have both synths and use Zebra far more often. 

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57 minutes ago, chris.r said:

I had occasional crashes with Synthmaster so I'm looking to buy Zebra legacy and see if that helps.

I have Zebra Legacy on my wish list. But realize that it's not actually an exclusive "Black Friday" deal, as that $99 will be the regular price going forward! So there is no time pressure to buy it now. I would rather spend my money on exclusive end-of-year deals instead. :)

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1 hour ago, abacab said:

I have Zebra Legacy on my wish list. But realize that it's not actually an exclusive "Black Friday" deal, as that $99 will be the regular price going forward! So there is no time pressure to buy it now. I would rather spend my money on exclusive end-of-year deals instead. :)

Exactly, same here. But it may disappear once v3 is out.

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