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Waves Abbey Road Studio 3 Plugin

Larry Shelby

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Just a note. Using any export selection other than entire mix reeults in extra words appended to the output file.

That turns out a royal pain, so I'm back to the simple alternative of placing it in the master bus and needing to remember to disable it when doing file exports...


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12 minutes ago, Keni said:

Using any export selection other than entire mix reeults in extra words appended to the output file.

When I go to Export I don't ever remember how the naming scheme plays out, and I always end up with some really long names on the files, when all I really want is  Song Name/What kind of instrument/stem. Example: I Wanna Hold Your Hand_Bass_Stem, and not all that other stuff that's added.

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I don't want it to add anyhing. It seems to append the bus name etc.


Thankfully, it doesn't do this using the "entire mix" option.


Sadly the selected bus/busses is not saved with the settings either. So until this stuff is addressed I must remember to disable the plugin prior to export. Far less extra work than the alternative.


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1 hour ago, Keni said:

i need the ability to disable this...

I just wish it would allow us to name it what we want, no matter where export it from. Master buss or individual busses.

Or at least give us the option of 'Do you want to name these files? Or do you want CbB to name them? If CbB names them, this is what CbB is going to call them. Would you like to modify this name?'

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2 hours ago, Grem said:

I just wish it would allow us to name it what we want, no matter where export it from. Master buss or individual busses.

Or at least give us the option of 'Do you want to name these files? Or do you want CbB to name them? If CbB names them, this is what CbB is going to call them. Would you like to modify this name?'

I agree 100%!

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  • 1 month later...



I'll add this here for now but I think it should be a new thread, really.

Is anyone using Abby Road Studio 3 in Cakewalk? I got it and it doesn't work.


The first time I used it the sound was really phasey and weird, then I got no sound at all. FOr a while I thought it was Sonarworks but after an update from them, still no sound. So I removed ABS3 and suddenly everything was back to normal. Now I've just tried adding it again to test and sure enough, no sound at all.


Any ideas?




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On 7/12/2019 at 11:22 AM, Keni said:

My biggest problem is placing it in the chain as currently I must remember to disable it prior to exporting a mix.

I like the way  Reaper handles this. You put Sonarworks into the Monitor FX.  Even when it is enabled, it will not affect the mix down/export.

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1 hour ago, ScottfromCanada said:



I'll add this here for now but I think it should be a new thread, really.

Is anyone using Abby Road Studio 3 in Cakewalk? I got it and it doesn't work.


The first time I used it the sound was really phasey and weird, then I got no sound at all. FOr a while I thought it was Sonarworks but after an update from them, still no sound. So I removed ABS3 and suddenly everything was back to normal. Now I've just tried adding it again to test and sure enough, no sound at all.


Any ideas?




Hi Scott...


Yes, I'm using it here with no problems. Some more info about your song setup?

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1 hour ago, S.L.I.P. said:

I like the way  Reaper handles this. You put Sonarworks into the Monitor FX.  Even when it is enabled, it will not affect the mix down/export.



I was not real comfortable when I tried reaper so I can't say...


It's easy to do this in CbB too... but I ran into some naming procedures that made it unwieldy...


Too bad I can't run VSTs in the presonus mixer. That would be the best for me as it would allow all sound through it (instead of only within the DAW), but presonus punked out of their' development and dropped mixer support due to changing OS instead up updating the driver. So I keep what I have with no updates so that  I don't lose this important part of why I bought it!


sorry for the rant...





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