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"Destination Unknown" (Rock) - Mix #2 Finally Up!

Bob Oister

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Hi, guys!

I just uploaded a Test Mix for a new song called "Destination Unknown".
If you can spare a few minutes to check it out, as always, any and all helpful comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, input and ideas are very welcome, and also greatly appreciated!?

Big thanks in advance for any observations, suggestions, comments and ideas!?

NOTE:  Mix #2 Finally Up!

Hi, Guys,

So sorry for the very late replies!  The past few weeks were super crazy busy with work, some great concerts and parties, and then unfortunately, 2 deaths in the family in 13 days.

Anyway, I finally got a chance to get back in the studio and work on mix #2 after all of your good input and suggestions.  I just uploaded the new mix to the original link below.

I did a bit of EQ tweaking on both the kick drum and bass guitar to try to get them to work together a little better and also to try to squeeze a little more definition out of the bass.  I also  added a touch more EQ on the keyboards for a bit more separation in the mix, and slightly adjusted the volume levels of all the instruments.  I'm hoping it's somewhat of an improvement and closer to where it should be.

Thanks so much to everyone who took time to listen and provide input and suggestions, I truly appreciate your comments, help and support!

And, if you do get a few minutes to listen to the new mix, please let me know what you think and if I'm headed in the right direction.

Thanks again, guys, greatly appreciated!


"Destination Unknown"

Edited by Bob Oister
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Hello Bob, as always, great guitar work and vocals

I hear some very "interesting" transitions and drum fills.  Interesting in the sense that they were unique and I had to change gears listening wise.  In fact , now that I think about it, since it is a song about cruising down the highway, those interesting parts are like when you shift gears in a manual transmission...there is that little pause where the engine rpm slows before the tranny pops into the next gear, and the pedal goes to the floor again.

I do not listen to a lot of this style so I am not up on trends of this genre, so I will let others with more knowledge make the specifics ideas

but the more I think about it, the more I am liking it, back for another listen

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Great rock song, Bob!  I really like the change at the 2:30 mark that shifts gears before a classic solo.  You write some of the best rock lyrics going, and they always fit the genre like a glove.  Do you write the music first, or the lyrics, or some combination of both methods?  I'd love to hear this song on the highway the next time I take a road trip.  Since this is only a test mix, the one thing that stood out was the bass drum.  It's a great part, but it overwhelms the bass guitar somewhat.  Otherwise, this is a gem!  Your consistency has always been one of your strengths, and still one of my targets.  I've learned a lot from you.  All the best!

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Excellent!!!  I think that this is one of my favourites from you.  I was ready to jump in my  m'stang and start driving somewhere --- any where.

You know what you are doing when it comes to recording and mixing and recording, so I won't (and shouldn't given my abilities) comment about that.  However, this song has your signature hard rocking style.  You have a great ability in adding little nuances that really make your songs interesting.  I reference the "shifting gears" mentioned by Jesse and Lynn above.  I felt like I was bumped up into overdrive at the 2:30 mark.

Really good stuff pal!!!

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Excellent intro - and this song really rocks. Your vocal made me think a bit of Halford on this one.

I think it's a really good song - you're the metal master on this forum and you're a top-notch songwriter. "Destination Unknown" is a cool theme for the song.

Tasty solo - nicely done.

The keys surprised me - but it works.

The only crit I can think of is maybe the bass could use a bit more definition in the mix - the rhythm guitars sort of dominate and I can't really hear the bass.

I enjoyed the listen, and thanks for posting.

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bob o
As  mentioned above you write perfect lyrics for the genre. And it's easy to make out the words because you have that great voice and the mixing ability to make it stand out. You really have that wanna-hit-the-open-road feeling here

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Fun! But, the beater on the kick, the upper eq range of the kick, it really pops out all throughout the song, and for me it's masking some of the other really cool elements in the mix. All ears are different, though, and the world needs kick drum.


That aside, what a fantastic rocker's stew with a really great guitar lead tone, and those chugging rhythm guitar parts are cool too. Vocal performance is I think your best yet.



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Jesse Screed:

Hey, Jesse,

How are you, buddy?  Hope you're having a great week!

Big thanks for taking time to check this out, and also for your good observations, input, and very kind words!☺️

I'm so happy that you picked up on and noticed the slight tempo changes and "clutch shifting" drum fills.  You totally get what I was going for as the theme of the song!  I was actually afraid that I might have overdone the drum fills and disrupted things too much, but I'm hoping it's getting the point across without distracting too much.

By the way, dynamite job on your recent collab, "Gun" with Freddy, great stuff, you guys make a really cool team!?

Thanks again, Jesse, greatly appreciated!  Have a good one!



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Hey, Wook,

Thanks, buddy, I really appreciate the quick listen and look forward to what details the famously furry ears pick up when you get a another chance to check it out!?

I always look forward to your input and trust your furry ears implicitly!??

Thanks again and have a good one, Wookster!



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Hey, how are you, my friend?  Hope you're having a great week!?

Thank you very much for taking time to check this out for me, and also for your input, observations and very kind words!

I'm truly grateful for your input and support on my stuff, greatly appreciated!?

Have a Rockin' weekend!?



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Hey, Lynn,

Thank you so much, brother!  I always look forward to and appreciate your input, observations and also your encouraging comments on my stuff, especially because your song posts are always so well written, performed and produced, and always pro sounding!?

I'm glad you and Jesse picked up on the "shifting gears" motif, I wasn't sure if it would actually come across or not.?

Thanks for the helpful advice on the kick drum and bass guitar not playing well together.  I'm glad you, Douglas and Tom mentioned that, because it's always something I struggle with, and the opinions on the forum always help me better adjust the EQ carving for the next remix.  I think a lot of my problems with the bass/kick situation comes from mainly using my 5-string bass, and that low B always seems to get in the way of the type of kick that I prefer.  ?LOL, coming from multiple decades of playing live in huge clubs and outdoor venues with very large sound systems, I'm used to a "shotgun" snare and a "cannon" kick drum!  That always seems to cause a bit of a dilemma when trying to get the bass and kick to coexist in the mix and translate on multiple devices.

As for the songwriting question, I never actually sit down with the intent to write a song.  I get what I jokingly refer to as "brain bolts".  I could be reading a book or news article, watching a TV show or movie, working or relaxing, and it's like an involuntary lightning bolt hits my brain with a chorus or verse melody, some basic lyrics, harmonies, guitar riffs, rhythm tracks and even a music video all at once!  Then comes the crazy rush to capture the main melody and idea on my smart phone or pen and paper before it disappears.  Then, usually weeks or months later I end up cranking up Sonar and trying to recreate what I was hearing in my head at the time, and that becomes the real challenge!?

For this one, I was watching the local tv news and they mentioned something that happened three hours away in Corning, NY, and BANG!, I got an instant flash of when my band was on the road playing throughout upstate New York back in the 80's and cruising on our motorcycles never knowing what the next city, town or venue would be like.  Every day and night was always an adrenaline pumping, exciting adventure and full of surprises!  Good times!  So this song actually started with the title, first verse lyrics, chorus melody and lyrics, and basic chords already in my head.  Then the fun started, trying to capture what was in my head and translating it into Sonar and trying my best to mix it.?

?LOL, Anyway, sorry for the long, boring story, but that's pretty much my process.

Thanks so much again, Lynn, I really appreciate your insights, suggestions, friendship and support here on the forum.  All the input, observations, suggestions and comments from all the forum users here are what makes this place such a great resource!?

Have a good one!

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Freddy J:

Hey, Freddy,

How are you, buddy?  Hope you're doing great!?

Thanks so much, Freddy, I'm really grateful that you liked the song, and also that you, Jesse and Lynn caught on to my subtle attempt at mimicking gear shifting with drum fills and slight tempo changes.  I sincerely appreciate your input and kind words of encouragement!

Thanks again for your friendship and support, Freddy, greatly appreciated!??

Have a good one!



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Hey, Daryl,

How are you, buddy?  Hope you're doing great!?

Thank you, Sir, I really appreciate you checking this new one out for me, and also your encouraging comments!  I always look forward to your input, observations and suggestions because the quality of your posts is always top-notch.?

I'm hoping to be able have some time to do a few minor EQ touchups on the bass and drums for just a bit more bass definition and put the new mix up later this week.

Thanks again, Daryl, I'm always grateful for your support and friendship!?

Have a good one!


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It's a good song Bob. I always like your tone. You got it nailed. The song started rocking from the beginning. I must admit that I didn't get the out of time "shift in gears" that everyone else did. I thought it was a rough mix that you put out and would smooth the edges out later. It's got a good groove to me except when it comes to the 'shift in gears'  fills.
Lyrics definitely gave me some thoughts about back in the day when I was out there just roaming around!! Ahh.. them ol days!!

Still Bob, I always pretty much like all your stuff. You rock out man!!

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Hey Bob, long time no hear ;)  You’re still rocking buddy !  Very impressive guitar work, what guitars did you use ?  are your vocals getting even better, excellent.  Sounds excellent on my ipad ;) 


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