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Noise Floor . . . Clean up Vocals



This will probably be dumb for most of you but I can't figure out how to do it.

I have a vocal track I *really* want to keep but between singing there is a VERY audible breath noise when inhaling. A sample is below - I added the red line - that's what I want to do.

Is there a way to put a floor on the track saying "everything below this point don't play, above this line leave it  alone"

The track is extremely zoomed in and not as "hot" as it looks


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3 answers to this question

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You're better doing this manually, clip gain works well instead of splitting and removing, as you can control how much you want to tame the noise. Sometimes things can sound strange if you get rid of everything. 

Waves NS-1 works OK for it too. It will no doubt be on sale, as Waves plugins seem to be on sale 24/7. 

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