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Company and individual Product selling clarification.


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It is a breach of the forum rules for a company or individual to sell any form of product for profit or personal gain within any of the forums provided by Bandlab.

If it is not obvious why then to state so, it is because you are in effect getting free advertising at Bandlab's expense.

Consequently it is asked that you or your company:-

1. Do not include a direct links in the text body of your posts to your website or products on your website.

2. You can include a link to the index page of your website in your signature but not to specific products.

3. Individual's who find a deal and are not actually selling product may place a link in the body of their post

4. The one exception to these rules is within the Songs forum where it is permitted to place links to your own personal music productions that are for sale.

5. If you are posting links to products and are not personally making personal gain of profit, but are sharing for the benefit of other forum users you could put a disclaimer in your signature to that affect.

6. Affiliated links are also a breach as the originator is receiving a gratuity for sharing the link. 

7. Posts regarding DAW products that offer direct competition with Bandlab DAW products will removed.

Thank you.

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