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FR: AI tempo recognition and quantize


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7 hours ago, marled said:

IMHO the target is much to sophisticated!

I know that I'm probably asking too much for this feature that anyway can be done relatively simple by hand.

However, AI goes way beyond sophisticated:

One of the biggest problems in biology has finally been solved thanks to AI

This was unthinkable for humans with normal software and computers and it is just one example of the AI possibilities.

6 hours ago, marled said:

If I look at the software that I use, then IMHO most software does not meet your "good implementation"! There are so many bad examples not only in music software!

True for most software, both AI and non-AI. There's a lot of room for improvement. Well that's ongoing. Things get better over time. CbB is also much more stable, capable and user friendly than a few years back thanks to ongoing improvements.

7 hours ago, marled said:

A drummer has not only "one feel" that is represented by a swing value and some random deviations! He delays/forwards the kick, snare, cymbals in the beat differently in every song, maybe even song part, often he has a different swing with the cymbals, ... And this is only the drummer! If you look at the tempo of a song by a whole band it gets even more fascinating! 

I fully agree. That's exactly why I think a good AI implementation can achieve much more than the current rhythm, quantize and humanize functions.

That is no reason why it will not be possible to achieve this with the latest developments. It is a matter of feeding the right diverse feature rich source material the right way into a dedicated deep learning system. Just by looking at the link above you can see that the many things are within reach these days.   
Many downsides regarding developing and implementing AI have been identified over the last few years and appropriately addressed in the mean time.

6 hours ago, marled said:

That's a fact that most AI (new) technology brings nothing but new problems. The positive examples are the exception. Just look at the last 10 years of software development and you can see a lot of trouble.

New technology needs some time to mature and we are just approaching the era were AI enables previously unthinkable results.
Looking back over the first developments the last 10 years is not the right direction...Electric cars also needed a decade to mature and now the future is electric with decent range, quite cars etc. Yes, the cars and their ecosystem can still be improved but the advantages can't be ignored today.

Regarding software: AI, when well developed can be much more capable than many think and it already makes the impossible possible in some cases. 
I see in my field lives saved thanks to these new AI developments that otherwise would have been lost. In several fields AI software is becoming better than the professionals.
So there's no reason why for DAWs the required user friendliness, software stability and outperforming features would be out of reach.

6 hours ago, marled said:

If the flight situation is challenging, then often the pilotes have to go to manual control and this gets more and more difficult, because they lack routine caused by the AI (flight system) handling the usual cases. There are so many examples of catastrophies caused by technical analysis faults.

That's an example of not yet mature technology and/or implementation where critical steps still need to be ironed out. The fact that pilots lack routine is not caused by the AI, it is caused by not providing a pilot with the right and sufficient training...

6 hours ago, marled said:

No, I do not reject AI generally! If something is really mature, then it may help (I would also like your tempo recognition/quantization, but I doubt it will be available in my life). I just think some healthful skepticism is better than just a blue-eyed view of this topic. ?

Pfff, finally...??
Well, I've got good hope that maybe not my feature request but many other implementations will be at your service before you meet the 27 club and all those other lost great musicians?

Edited by Teegarden
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