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Paste Puts Clips in Wrong Place

Todd Groemling

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Please explain how to get Calkewalk to paste multiple copied clips in one track into a new location within the same track...every time.  

I select clips from multiple take lanes in one track, click Copy, then Click Paste and tell Cakewalk where to start the Paste location, measure-wise. But Calkewalk rarely gets it right. It's like Calkewalk is a person who can't hold multiple things in his arms, only a few. Therefore, what too often happens is Calkewalk just drops them in a fairly random place that is not off by, say, a measure or a tick, but way off. I've even tried grouping the clips and still Cakewalk screws up the paste.

Making this even worse is sometimes Calkewalk mutes all of the original clips, so those don't even play in their original location until they are unmuted.

Edited by Todd Groemling
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On my system, I paste multi track clips all the time.  Every time they paste in the intended position (the NOW marker).

I always have any Snap settings off as most of my pastes are not to the grid.  Also , I make sure Ripple Edit is off.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/30/2022 at 8:39 AM, Todd Groemling said:

Most of the time this works, but it doesn't work often enough to where I think there's a bug to fix.

You're going to have to come up with a repeatable sequence of steps that demonstrates the issue in order for the Bakers to have any chance of fixing it.

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I really appreciate the feedback! I am cautiously optimistic my longstanding mystery and frustration truly is solved!

I thought I was adhering to all the above suggestions and then some, but I still was not having success. However, by taking time away from pondering this issue and then returning with a calm mind to the collective comments, I was able to walk through my process, step by step. I now believe the way I have been selecting clips is the issue:

I have being doing a click and drag over the area that has clips I want to copy, so I could 'snare' them,  I had been using this method because I was often trying to move many clips, not just two or three. I was trying to ensure I didn't miss copying a clip. Regardless, this means I was unintentionally also selecting the empty space before the 1st clip starts and after the last clip ends. Cakewalk appears to 'collect' that additional, empty space, so that impacted the paste start time. See the dark gray area that begins and ends after the two selected clips.

If this is the issue, wow, to me that is bizarre. Talk about dark matter! However, fortunately, I now am having success by not also selecting the empty space. Instead, I am doing a control click to select each clip I want to copy. Then, regardless of whether I use Paste Special, Control C or have the project at the Now Time., so far, each one of these past options now works for me.

empty space selected.PNG

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