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Midi Latency - offset


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Hi everyone.  I have done a search and cannot seem to find the answer.

Assume that a keyboard controller is played perfectly but there is midi latency.   Where is the offset in Cakewalk for this latency?  Thank you!

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Preferences > Audio > Sync and Caching >Timing Offset (not to be confused with Manual Offset for audior record latency on the same page),  A negative offset will delay the MIDI clock relative to the audio metronome, causing recorded MIDI to land earlier on the grid. This will also cause MIDI playback to hardware ports to be delayed vs. audio so you don't want to do this if you use hardware synths, but soft synth rendering is not affected.

Originally this setting was meant to compensate for the delayed reponse of hardware synth on playback with a positive offset (i.e. send MIDI a little early), but since it effectively shifts the MIDI grid agiainst the audio clock, it affects recording as well.

Note that though it appears indented under the Full Chase Lock sync option, you don't have to choose that for it to work.

Edited by David Baay
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