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Klevgrand All Titles Are $29 for 29 hours + Squashit Free

Brian Lawler

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Skaka is one of my most-used instruments, despite having far more sophisticated percussion sources on call, such as Shimmer Shake Strike.

I often just want to add a subtle shaker pattern behind a drum track. Skaka lets you do that with minimal effort, as it's basically a simple sequencer with each shaker having its own sequence. I'll typically pan one type of shaker left and another right. Even with custom patterns it takes just seconds. Plus you can save your favorite patterns for re-use in other projects.

I do wish they'd add some more instruments, though, even as a paid add-on. There are currently 18 instruments, but many sound similar. This could be a game-changer if they added bongos, congas, sticks, etc. But it is what it is, and quite useful as it stands due to its simplicity.

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For anyone considering, several (though not all) of the 4-5 plugin bundles are also $29 during the sale - including the Percussion Bundle, which includes Skaka. 

EDIT: Apologies -- see below, as this may not be the case. Notes on some of the bundle pages suggest that the bundles are also $29, but that's not showing up in cart. Sorry for the false alarm.

EDIT to the EDIT: Not sure whether the text on the site was clarified or if I originally misinterpreted, but it seems the bundle prices have been adjusted during the sale so that each individual plugin "counts" as $29. Makes sense now. Ah well.

Edited by Zolton
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Looks to me like Vintage,  Experimental, and Percussion are the only bundles at $29.  Other bundles get a discount based on what you already own.

Phooey.  It was a pricing error on the three bundles above.  They are fixed now or in the process.

Edited by Brian Lawler
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