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Studio One 6 dropping Sept. 29 ? (not a deal )


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57 minutes ago, Marc Cormier said:

Noticed track icons on one screen shot.  It's a little thing but something I really dig in CWBL. 

I hate them, and hated them in SONAR, along with many other things, probably why I stopped using it in 2015, but anyway, I think they look real tacky.

Also you can see Dual Pan, De-Esser Plugin, Vocoder Plugin, lyrics track, no more looking now, the real thing will be in my hands tomorrow, along with IK's TONEX MAX.

Going to have to get some sleep.

Edited by heath row
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Some initial observations.

Update went smoothly, initial VST scan took a while.

V5 and V6 can co-exist.

Songs saved in V6 cannot be opened in V5. V5 songs will be converted on saving so you may want to make copy first, or "save as"

The dynamic EQ looks very useful, particularly with its side chain function.

I had a play with the new vocoder, it is easy and fun.

It still seems you cannot use the sidechain into Arturia's Vocoder V, however it maybe the help "macro" in Vocoder V now needs updating.

I have not looked at the track templates yet, but it looks promising in the intro video.

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