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Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen setup question (Solved)

jesse g

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Hey all,

I just switched audio interfaces and purchased a Focusrite Scarlett  18i20 3rd Gen interface   I want to be able to see the audio drivers in  Cakewalk as stereo pairs.   My previous audio interface was a Roland Octa-Capture and I loved it as it worked well, however, it doesn't have enough I/O's. 

Question 1:  Using Focusrite Control, how am I supposed to see the my stereo pairs as inputs in Cakewalk and not see the  ADAT or SPDIF?  When I go to select an input in Cakewalk, I see a whole bunch of inputs, however, I only want to see inputs 1-8 as stereo pairs.

Question 2:  The Talk-back Mic:   I use out 3/4 to route audio to my head phone amp.  I route the channels via Cakewalk sends to  3/4  out which leads to my headphone amp.  can I route the talk-back mic to output 3/4 in order to speak to those listening via the headphone amp.

Question 3:  In addition to Pros, do you have any Cons about owning this audio Interface?

*My Con is that the meters on the front only shows audio channels that are being recorded. The meters don't show playback meters or the main output volume.

Thanks for letting me pick your brain.  ?

Edited by jesse g
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2 hours ago, Old Joad said:

I have the 2i2 3rd Gen.  I don't know if this will help but I took some screen shots.

As far as a talk back mic just click play on a track.

Hello Old Joad,

I've been using Cakewalk Sonar since version 2.0, I know the DAW itself and where to look and how to set it up.  My 1st question was about Focus Control.

Q1: Using Focusrite Control, how am I supposed to see the my stereo pairs as inputs in Cakewalk and not see the  ADAT or SPDIF?

Your answer to Q2 using the 2i2 is  different than the 18i20, because the Talk-back mic is automatically routed to your output pair. I have 9 outputs and I don't want to use the default.  I found the answer below.

Answer: How to use route Talkback to a different output

1) To route the 18i20's talkback channel to an output, look at the output(s) you wish to send the talkback to and select 'Custom Mix + Talkback' (shown below). This allows you to send any of the standard 'DAW playback' and 'Hardware input' channels to the output (as you normally would with a Custom Mix) but with the addition of the talkback audio. 



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3 hours ago, Old Joad said:

Dang, nice unit. makes mine look like a model T??

You might have already seen this but.


Thanks Old Joad,

I saw the video during setup, however, I overlooked the part about the top being for Hardware inputs setup and the bottom section being for the DAW output setup. I saw the green light highlight outputs and thought I was just setting up Outputs.   I got it straightened out now. 

Thanks for your help ?

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