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The New Illuminati


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3 minutes ago, freddy j said:

You have a nice Bluesy feel going on in this song and of course social commentary is not new to the Blues genre (particularly the older style of Blues.

Nice one -- I enjoyed it.


Me too, this song will the start of a revolution  to take the power away from big brother:ph34r:

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That's a fun mix. Everything sounds pretty up front, but nothing really clashes.  Whatever chorus you have on the ep is lovely, and the vocal one works too.

Any room for more bass guitar? Or are you playing that on the ep?

The chorus on the guitar lead, wow, so clear. Your song wins the Finest Chorus award. It's great, whatever it is, and  it doesn't mud things up at all.

Your drum instrument is probably the improvable spot here, what did you use?


Even the illuminati likes a good chorus effect. You are safe.



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My heartiest thanks to freddy, Joad, Tom and paul for the great responses. To be honest, I was afraid this one might just slip away. Just too odd, maybe. It was pieced together from little bits over several months, although the lyric was a poem of mine written quite while back.

For Tom, all the gory details are below.  Skip if you find this stuff tedious. (I probably would). And, once again, thanks Tom for your well-considered feedback. It definitely does steer me.

Cheers to all...  - Dan


The Electric Piano is from the Cakewalk SI suite.  The pre-set is “Classic Rhodes”. There are no effects in the bin other than the EQ setting in ProChannel and the controls on the instrument itself.  To reproduce it exactly:

SI Piano (Classic Rhodes):

Drive = 7.0%, Chorus = 32.5%, Tremolo Depth =  1.9, Tremolo Rate = 39.5%, Tone = 75.5%, Pan = 0%, Volume = 70.5%

ProChannel EQ:

HP freq = 143 Hz (rolloff 24 dB), LP freq = 2538 Hz (rolloff 24 dB), Hi-mid notch: @ 553 Hz, Q=2.2, Gain = –9.2 dB

The Vocal FX is a new ‘Waves’ plug-in I just got on sale (only $29.00). It’s the “Chris Lord-Alge CLA Vocal Processor” using the ‘Body Double’ pre-set with very minor tweaks, mostly to reduce the amount of doubling slightly. There’s a lot of hype about this plug-in, and to be honest, I thought the YouTube video by it’s namesake was a bit cheesy. But, you shouldn't judge a plug-in by it’s author. I very happy with it so far. Works as advertised.

There are two different Guitar Rig 5 effects on the guitar (occurring at different times). The opening hook effect is ‘Breath You Hold’ and the rest of the lead is ‘Van 51 Crunch’. They are both tweaked in minor ways but probably no one could tell the difference in an A-B test.

Drums are AD2 in a very ordinary mode. Nothing special there. Being a drummer, you’d think I’d have cluttered it up a bit more. Your comment on the bass is interesting. I originally had a midi bass but because a friend lent me one of his basses I decided to give it a try myself. I’m no bass player and I had to build the track up by many pieces. (I’m a much better wave editor than I am a bass player).

Horns are ‘Session Horns’ played in Kontakt player. Guitar is by my buddy Lawrie, and harmonica by another friend, Kevin. It’s the three of us who decided we don’t stand a chance against Big Brother.

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Nice Blues effort.  Sounds like it could use a boost in whatever you're using for bass.  I really can hardly hear it and on a song like this that walking bass adds so much.  The horns sound pretty neat, but are a bit tinny in the mix.  Overall a good piece.

?John B

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/8/2019 at 1:53 PM, Sailor55 said:

Bass now fixed, or hopefully, better anyway.

Yeah ya fixed it. When I listened to it today, I didn't even notice any lack of the bass at all. Good trk overall. Ya'll did some nice work on this.

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