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Create a mono audio track with its interleave swtich to mono and record something.  

2: Insert a reverb with a Dry and Wet knob. One that comes to mind everyone should have is the Sonitus Reverb and turn its dry all the way down. 

3: Collapse the Master to mono.

4: Go to the TV and do a normal "bounce to clip" as if you've just finished tidying up the clip. 

5: Go back to the Master track and switch its interleave back to stereo. 

The track with the reverb stay mono until you bypass the plugin within the FX Bin (not the plugin) off and back on. 

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Can't repro, but not sure how the various actions would be related and might be missing something.

Does it really matter that the plugin is set full wet and the clip is bounced and the interleave on the Master is toggled to reproduce the issue?

I went through the steps twice from scratch starting with the Basic template and the interleave on the track with the Sonitus Reverb is remaining mono as expected. in the first case, I started playback a few times at various points, and in the second case, I did all the steps without ever playing back.


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1 hour ago, David Baay said:

Can't repro, but not sure how the various actions would be related and might be missing something.

Does it really matter that the plugin is set full wet and the clip is bounced and the interleave on the Master is toggled to reproduce the issue?

I went through the steps twice from scratch starting with the Basic template and the interleave on the track with the Sonitus Reverb is remaining mono as expected. in the first case, I started playback a few times at various points, and in the second case, I did all the steps without ever playing back.



It doesn't have to be a reverb or with its dry all the way down. In fact: its with every plugin that are true stereo plugins that doesn't collapse to mono on insert. 

Keep in mind, your audio tracks interleave must be in Mono - this is key.

Edited by Will.
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Okay, I thought you were saying that toggling the Master bus interleave to mono and back was doing something to interleave of the source track.

But the issue is that Bounce to Clip(s) is is forcing the plugin to output mono until the bypass is toggled.

You might want to clarify that in the title, and put the step that triggers the unexpected behavior (Bounce to Clip(s) last.

Yes, that seems buggy.


Edited by David Baay
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when i try it, the sonitus reverb behaves as you show in your video - the mono interleave and mono track show the reverb as "stereo". bounce to clip then causes it to behave as "mono". the changing the interleave on the track to stereo and back to mono causes it to go back to the "stereo" mode.

however, when i tried H-Reverb and Breverb  - they are both "mono" on the track mono interleave, and if i switch the bus to mono and the track to stereo, the output is of the bus is "mono" and the track also (metering) is mono. bounce to clip etc has no change on those two reverbs. only the interleaves. mono track = mono track reverb, stereo track = stereo reverb. 

so based on this limited testing - it may be the sonitus reverb is not behaving correctly in following the interleave of the track or bus. it should be mono if the track is mono, and changing the interleave to stereo should be stereo. not sure why the bounce to clip triggers it to follow the interleave. the other reverbs do what i would expect.


ok so i tried it with the sonitus delay - making it ping pong for most effect - same issue. the interleave is not followed in the track until the bounce to clip. the h-delay behaved as expected - bounce to clip did not change its behavior when following interleave. so maybe a bug with something in the sonitus plugins not following / listening to the track interleave?


if i have some time later i'll try some modulation etc effects.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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2 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

However, when i tried H-Reverb and Breverb  

This is because they are not true stereo - rather hybrid. Meaning: they follow the interleave strictly. 

True stereo is a plugin the takes your mono channel and turning it into stereo. Ao if you have mono plugins in your chain and insert a stereo plugin after it - it makes the channel stereo. There are 1000s of creativity reason why you would want to do this. 

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4 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

Some DirectX effects do behave weirdly with interleave (the old Project 5 ones really fall over badly in some cases).

Sonitus was just a ln example for everyone to try is it is available to all. Try any of your own true stereo plugins. 

Not one thats both mono and stereo. 

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so i've tried s number of Wave plugins which are labeled "stereo" (vs "mono/stereo" or "mono"), and a number of other plugins (delays and reverbs) which aren't marked as to whether they are purely stereo (which for this discussion, i'm assuming we mean two distinct channels which may some some mix/blend options - like the sonitus plugins do), and 100% they all follow the interleave as expected. the only plugins (out of 30 or so) that behave with the interleave change not acknowledged - so far - are the sonitus ones. 

Will - if you have some other examples of true stereo plugins i'll try them out if i have them (or they're free ? ). this whole interleave thing would be problematic since i have a whole set of CW specific presets with sonitus delay and reverbs that i use frequently...

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