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Lindell Audio launches LiN76


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A vintage 1176-style Hardware FET compressor

LiN76 features

Instant vintage-vibe dynamics processing.

USA-made transformers.

4:1, 8:1, 12:1, 20:1, and “All-button” compression ratio modes.

Vintage-style VU for monitoring.

Variable attack and release times, with ultra-fast attack options.

Balanced input and output.


Lindell Audio’s LiN76 is shipping and available at a MAP of $399 USD and an SSP of 499 EUR including VAT in the EU.


Edited by satyabrata satapathy
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That is a great price for us Home Studio owners.  I need to test this out in the store, but the reviews are great.

instead of getting one Warm Audio WA76 Discrete FET Compressor at $699.00/each, I can get 2 Lindell Audio Lin76 FET Compressors at $399.00/each

Lindell Audio LiN76 Compressor Shootout



Edited by jesse g
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