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Export Not Working

Keith Wilby

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Hi all,

I've been using CbB for quite a few years now and never encountered this problem with exporting before. It only seems to be doing this on my "Supply and Demand" song, but the export partly fails. Please see screen grab of my WAV file in Sound Forge.

I'm using all default settings but changing the bit depth (for example) makes no difference. Any clues?

Many thanks.


EDIT: if I use the export drop-down that bypasses the settings dialog box, the export works.

Edited by Keith Wilby
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The wave form clearly shows a export that was clipping the Master bus. Do you have any limiters or analyzing tools on the Master? You might want to watch my tutorials on how to export and master a finished song. Maybe it will help. 
#22 & #24 for sure and there are a few others as well like #28&29

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5 hours ago, Cactus Music said:

The wave form clearly shows a export that was clipping the Master bus. 

Hi John, thanks for your response. It's not clipping, it's just a noise when you play it, none of the musical content is there for the first 35 seconds or so. Sonically, the track is fairly "even".

On some attempts to export it, I get no sound at all, but if I use the option in the attached screen grab, the export works without fail. I'm wondering if I have a corrupt file that I need to import into a new and pristine one.


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