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No Send to Master Bus


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A week or so ago, I installed Cakewalk on a new laptop and moved all my projects over. Tested Cakewalk and everything was working fine.

Today I fire up Cakewalk, plug my bass into my Focusrite 6i6 (gen 1), arm a track, and... nothing's getting to the master bus. But all connections seem right.

Has this happened to anyone else? I'm a long-time Cakewalk/Sonar user, but this has me stumped. I'm sure it's some little thing I did and then forgot, some setting or switch I hit by accident, but now have no memory of doing.

Any suggestions?


Cakewalk - No Route to Master.png

Edited by rontarrant
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Interesting thing about the driver. I just went to the support page and there's a new driver listed as being released June 2022. Cool, That's nice they are still releasing drivers for a device that is almost 10 years old now. 

But the Driver number is now a lower overall number. As you see mine was 4.65.5   but the new driver is 4.102.4. I downloaded and installed it anyway and nothing seemed to change, including my list still looks different than yours.  You sure your using the correct ASIO driver??  

Edited by Cactus Music
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7 hours ago, Cactus Music said:

Interesting thing about the driver. I just went to the support page and there's a new driver listed as being released June 2022. Cool, That's nice they are still releasing drivers for a device that is almost 10 years old now. 

But the Driver number is now a lower overall number. As you see mine was 4.65.5   but the new driver is 4.102.4. I downloaded and installed it anyway and nothing seemed to change, including my list still looks different than yours.  You sure your using the correct ASIO driver??  

Thanks for the reply, Cactus (if I may call you by your first name :) ).

I fired things up this morning and suddenly everything's working again. Go figure. It may have something to do with the list being different. This morning, my list looks just like yours. Perhaps it's a glitch in how my Focusrite Scarlett was initialized by Windows... or the hardware is getting tired... or I've got a bad USB cable... Don't know.

As for the lower version number... for whatever reason, younger developers have adopted a system of version numbering that doesn't follow the decimal system. Perhaps they figure that since there is almost always more than one dot separator (1.2.34 for example) that justifies it. I find it confusing, but whatever.

The way they intend those numbers to be read:

4 (at the beginning) is the major release number

102 (up from 65, although I think that should be '065' myself) is the minor release number

4 (at the end) is the build number for the release.

It's all very cockeyed, but it works for them, so I guess we'll just have to play along. ?

Oh. And my driver version is: (I have no idea what the '735' means at the end... It was compiled 735 times before all the compiler errors disappeared? Ask a millennial. :))

I've been working and playing with computers since 1985 and there's never been a time when they've been 100% predictable.

A friend told me years ago: When in doubt, reboot. It's still the solution that works most often.

Edited by rontarrant
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Your screenshot shows the track is armed to record so the meter is showing a live input signal, but Input Echo is not engaged so that input is not being ouput to the Master bus. Rebooting alone would not have fixed that.

Edited by David Baay
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This may not be the same thing but I have trouble with sends and buses from time to time, Old projects that I started in sonar and am remixing, and the send just doesn't work. Sometimes the workaround is to delete either the send or the bus and establish new ones but that doesn't always work either. I don't know what to make of it

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4 hours ago, David Baay said:

Your screenshot shows the track is armed to record so the meter is showing a live input signal, but Input Echo is not engaged so that input is not being ouput to the Master bus. Rebooting alone would not have fixed that.

This is not the issue as you use your direct monitoring and not the input echo. I have never used input echo on an audio track. The Op seems to have just had a minor glitch in the Scarlett driver. 

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I see what you mean. I just re read the post and originally I thought the OP was referring to the project was not playing through the master bus. So you might be right and the bass was the first and only instrument. But the metronome should have still be using the Master bus. 
The 6i6 is getting old and that’s why I bought a newer interface a few years ago. But they seem to keep updating the drivers and for me the 6i6 outperforms the new Motu M4.  
I’ll see how this new driver does I can always roll back. 

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