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LiquidSonics and Reverb Foundry Merge- not a deal


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Speaking about the merger, LiquidSonics founder Matt Hill said;


“I was involved in the Reverb Foundry brand in a development role from the start. However, over time the two businesses have been drawn closer together, so now we are bringing reverb foundry products under the wing of the LiquidSonics brand fully. The Reverb Foundry name will continue, but as a part of LiquidSonics.


Those that have one or more reverb from LiquidSonics and Reverb Foundry will know already that they look and feel very similar to each other, but they have a distinctly different sound. You’ll notice the Reverb Foundry line brings a distinctly different feel and edge to you your production toolbox.


The addition of the Reverb Foundry line means LiquidSonics is now presenting the most diverse range of reverbs in the industry, most of which have Atmos capability or an Atmos-capable version available.


Unlike a typical acquisition where a brand brings on board something that has been bought from outside, in this case it’s bringing together things built by the same developer. This means the Reverb Foundry products will continue to be maintained and developed just as you would expect from LiquidSonics – the same quality, all available in the same store with the same top-notch support.


Furthermore, existing customers of both brands will have no transition issues, their purchases, access to downloads and support, and discount vouchers will remain unaffected.”

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