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Trouble with Process Gain on Clip Selection


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I have some vocal clips that have harsh and excessive consonants (not only s, t, d, ...). I used to do this with zooming in, selecting the loud consonant and then processing it with negative gain (is very quick with using accelerator keys). The problem is that in the zoom view CbB chops the wave form into several pieces (only visually) and it is nearly impossible to do precise selections after that, because the wave pieces move when you zoom in/out. If I zoom out enough, then the wave form is correct, the same is valid if I zoom in extremely (but there I do not have an overview).

I tried "bounce to clip", but it doesn't help. Also if I export the clip, it is alright, then after the first gain change the trouble appears again. Even creating a new project to process one of the clips did not help!

I do not want to use a compressor, limiter plugin instead, because I also adjust some louder and quieter parts in the same run, and in the end I adjust the overall loudness of the clips. First then it is time to use plugins!

Has anyone an idea, a work-around for those gain adjustments?

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For hand limiting I use volume automation. After a million times, you know what to look for (tight little zippers). I haven't had the zooming issues you speak of though. Is it possible a screen resolution zoom you have in your GPU settings ?

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Thanks Chuck!

18 hours ago, Chuck E Baby said:

For hand limiting I use volume automation. After a million times, you know what to look for (tight little zippers).

For these kind of adjustments I prefer having a visible result and that's not the case with automation.

18 hours ago, Chuck E Baby said:

I haven't had the zooming issues you speak of though. Is it possible a screen resolution zoom you have in your GPU settings ?

Because yesterday I could reproduce it all the time, I tried to do it just before. And WTF, nothing happened ?!!! So I went on and suddenly it appeared again ?. See below! And no, I have not set any zoom screen or font resolution.


 I have decreased the selection in the clip above. In the next screen shot you see the same with only one click zoomed in (alt+scroll wheel).


Isn't it weird? And that happens again and again in any project.

If I cut the clip selection (select lower half in the clip) that there are 3 result clips, then it is possible to gain change the 2nd one without issue. But in that way I always have to bounce or else I get a lot of clip pieces that are inconvenient to handle! As I also have Sound Forge Pro 11, I invested some time yesterday to learn to do the job with it. I am quite happy with the way SF does it! It is even easier to make a precise selection as you can easily move the selection beginning and end. Additionally it suggests some crossfades at the edges that can be adjusted to your taste.

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