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Tempo is wrong



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  On 8/6/2022 at 8:40 PM, rdbrad said:

Almost double. But skipping and chattering.


Is this occurring in all projects or just this project.

Are you using any new plugins?  Do other programs that use the same audio interface that Cakewalk is using play correctly

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling your hardware drivers (Not just for your Audio interface). Do this using manufacturer's websites rather than Windows updates.  While you’re at it, you might as well check you are using the latest versions.

I have assumed you have power cycled your PC.

Can you give us some more information about your system?

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Occurs on all projects. It has been happening for days. Stopped for a while and just started yesterday. 

Changed sample rates several times.

Plugins I have had for months. I always install from manufacture's sites. 

I've been using Cakewalk for a while but starting to get more into it.

Windows 11 Home 64bit, 16GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, GTX1650,  Korg Taktile25 USB

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  On 8/6/2022 at 10:26 PM, rdbrad said:

ASIO. Changing to WASAPI fixed it. ASIO has been working for a long time. Thanks.


ASIO should be working -  What audio interface are you using?  What sample rate, bit depth and sample buffer size are you using?

My set up is as per my signature and I have never had this issue.

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  On 8/7/2022 at 5:26 AM, bdickens said:

It's hard for people to help when you keep making them guess.


I may be way wrong on this.  However, if I were to take a wild guess, I would say the following:

For the OP, WASAPI is probably the best solution.

He stated that he does not have an audio interface, which means he’s likely using onboard sound. 

He said he was using ASIO.  This could have been either ASIO4ALL, or an ASIO driver for his on board sound.  I am thinking Realtek.  If he was using the Realtek ASIO driver, that might explain his issue as the Realtek ASIO driver is problematic at best.

But, then again this is just a wild, out there guess.

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Wow, that's brilliant! Good guess. And way less snarky! ASIO4ALL/Realtek. I guess I thought I posted enough of what I had. Most times when you have a problem there are a million people with the same problem and it gets easily solved. Guess I was wrong.

I truly appreciate all who tried to help.

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