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Dad Burned Manuals


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For lack of another adjective (dad burned-Use your imagination).?

I bought Session Strings Pro 2 recently (upgrade from 1.  It was half price through June).  I downloaded the user's manual and just as it is with so many user's manuals (including Cakewalk Sonar BTW) it's vague and doesn't cover some of the finer points.   Then, there are the YouTube video tutorials.  Sometimes great and other times not so much, depending who does them.  Prime example-With SS Pro 2, there was a function I wanted to do but I wasn't even sure if it could be done.  It's using the Rhythm Animator and the 6 different articulations you can choose.  When you first look at them, you think it's all just presets that cannot be user manipulated.  But when I was watching Native Instrument's Walkthrough video I took notice that he was doing something with the mouse.  He was pushing the number with the left mouse button, as one would do to vertical scroll a page  and that changed the number!  Previously I was clicking on the number to no avail, but I tried what he did and it worked!  Why can't they put that little detail in the manual???!!?  It's the same as when I bought my Sony Walkman a few years ago.  I almost took it back because the volume was set too low, but I accidentally found out how to adjust the volume on it.  Something that could've easily been explained in the user's guide but was "overlooked".  And that was a basic function.  They can't even simply explain how to adjust the volume!!!

Honestly, if i wasn't for the user forum here I still wouldn't know my way around half of this DAW. 

Seriously, I'm going to stop buying these kind of things if this goes on!

Thanks for letting me vent.

?John B

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