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Audio Imperia Flourish: Hex Choir


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Each Flourish release will be available for 6 weeks from the day of release and is then discontinued, to make room for you to discover your next Flourish product. But fear not, as we will be releasing brand new Flourish products in a frequent matter, each with its own unique essence and virtue. To ensure quick turnaround times we will be using the Full Version of Kontakt as our platform, for the time being, meaning that the Flourish products will not work in the free Kontakt Player.


Feels like creating artificial scarcity, to me.

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Here's the FAQ for Flourish series: https://help.audioimperia.com/docs/flourish/faq/faq/


Will any product be made available after their initial release?

Each product will be available for 6 weeks from release and then will be removed from our catalog.

Will there be any Flourish bundles?

No. Any type of bundle offer will not be made, as this will completely undermine the uniqueness and individuality of each product.

Will these products remain supported after their release period?

Yes of course, all products will remain fully supported alongside our main catalogue.


And here's walkthrough video:


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