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Larry Shelby

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48 minutes ago, Doug Rintoul said:

One thing to note: you may think cclarry is promoting a company's product based on his initial post, but he is actually quoting a press release or a statement by the developer. No endorsement or promotion is implied by Larry's postings.


I do think that point is easily lost on newbies to the forum and those who don't spend much time here. It would be ideal if posts that quoted others contained quotes, as it's unclear when the voice is that of the poster or the developer. Technostica, you can take or leave constructive criticism,  but if you want to be a more productive part of the community, you can express criticism without jumping to unsupported conclusions and lashing out, accusing forum members of shilling without any evidence to support your accusations. This exchange would have been civil had you just politely asked questions. 

Unlike MANY people who post deals in forums, Larry doesn't use affiliate links. He posts because he enjoys being helpful. Whereas some posters use affiliate links (hoping to make a sales commission if you buy using their links) and influencer "reviewers"  are getting free product, sales commissions (though affiliate marketing relationships) and/or payment from developers to do their "reviews" (these days influencers take free product, use affiliate sales links to make money when you purchase a "reviewed" product and some of the more successful ones get payment up front to do "reviews" of products; this is, in the most clear language, where there is obvious shilling),

Larry is not compensated with free products, getting paid or using affiliate links when he posts on the forum.  You can't say that about the influencers here, even the ones I like. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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1 hour ago, Doug Rintoul said:

I agree. To exclude certain developers because of personal bias is paramount to censorship in my mind. And as this thread has proven, people here are not afraid to share their bad (and good) past experiences, from which others can learn. Even then, as abacab has said, people should do their own research and not take all comments as gospel.

It's obvious Larry does not.  He's one of the biggest IK bashers on their business polices.

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32 minutes ago, kitekrazy said:

It's obvious Larry does not.  He's one of the biggest IK bashers on their business polices.

I was going to say, if anybody knows Larry isn't doing some blanket "promotion" or is hiding his feelings about any company or product it would be me.  His criticism can be worded firmly at times (not just with regard to IK) but also is typically quite fair criticism.  Especially because he and everybody else is entitled to their opinion and I think he expresses his enough to not have to have some disclaimer or "my thoughts on this deal" with every deal (or even the ones he's not fond of).

The resulting discussion usually takes care of the general vibe people have toward the deal or company, and Larry will jump in with his thoughts where he feels appropriate from what I can see.  I'm a fan of Larry and what he does here, even if he just has to post all those other deals which make ours fall down further on the page :) 'Tis life and I must accept this when there is a sea of deals to be had.

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41 minutes ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

I'm a fan of Larry and what he does here, even if he just has to post all those other deals which make ours fall down further on the page :) 'Tis life and I must accept this when there is a sea of deals to be had.

You can just keep the deals page open on your phone and post "Bump" Pete ;)   

Don't worry, I won't ask for my free keyboard on this one :D  think of it as my freebie to you!

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16 minutes ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

I'll just set up your free MIDI controller over here and use it to trigger the post bumps instead of sending it to you ;)


You need to take it with you everywhere you go to keep your posts on the front page. I would get much better use out of it silly product manager ?

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