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Softube Unlockable Offers - Drawmer S73 and 1973

Larry Shelby

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3 hours ago, DrumDude said:

Anyone have any thoughts or experience with the Drawmer 1973?

I tend to reach for Fabfilter ProMB more due to speed and workflow, but 1973 is really nice and sounds great too. I like having both options and on some material it sounds better than ProMB for sure.

S73 actually sounds quite good too, even though I don't normally use those style of plugs as I often prefer more manual control. But in its space, it's a good one as well.

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I got the S73 thinking there would at some point be an upgrade path to the 1973; there isn't.
This S73 isn't bad but it doesn't compare, if you need to tweak anything you're SOL. I mean if you have no understanding of how a compressor works and no interest in learning then it's probably your jam.
Otherwise, either get the 1973 or save your money.

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9 hours ago, TheSteven said:

I got the S73 thinking there would at some point be an upgrade path to the 1973; there isn't.
This S73 isn't bad but it doesn't compare, if you need to tweak anything you're SOL. I mean if you have no understanding of how a compressor works and no interest in learning then it's probably your jam.
Otherwise, either get the 1973 or save your money.

Well, I know how compressors work. You fart around with knobs randomly, print a zillion mixes that are too crispy and baked and spitty to be heard in public, and then after 30 years you learn the simple lesson that less is more and that more knobs invite more inefficient rabbit-holes.

In that light, the simple S73 represents I think the biggest no brainer purchase in the history of plugins. I love that simple, simple plugin. Used correctly, it treats tracks with respect, it has sonic options, it allows a % of its application strength to a source, has a wet/dry mix knob, has an "add air" button. It is not the solution for every track (I actually use it on tracks, never on the master bus!) AND it isn't light on CPU. But it makes things sound great. $35 bucks, no brainer.

I've been waiting on the multiband 1973, that's a good sale too, but my Fab MB and Lindell 354e seem to cover that ground ok.


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On 7/22/2022 at 1:42 PM, TheSteven said:

I got the S73 thinking there would at some point be an upgrade path to the 1973; there isn't.
This S73 isn't bad but it doesn't compare, if you need to tweak anything you're SOL. I mean if you have no understanding of how a compressor works and no interest in learning then it's probably your jam.
Otherwise, either get the 1973 or save your money.

That's a bit surprising about no upgraded path. in ways they seem very different, but it's all still based on the 1973. Have you tried contacting their support to see if they can offer something? It seems to me like there really should be an upgrade path too. Although in some ways Softube is really backwards with how they manage upgrades... just look at their Volumes... !

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4 hours ago, MusicMan said:

Have you tried contacting their support to see if they can offer something? It seems to me like there really should be an upgrade path too. Although in some ways Softube is really backwards with how they manage upgrades... just look at their Volumes... !

I did and they referred me to the unlock sale happening this weekend.

The current unlock prices are consistent with what their Black Friday prices have been over the last several years.

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On 7/22/2022 at 8:18 AM, PhonoBrainer said:

Well, I know how compressors work. You fart around with knobs randomly, print a zillion mixes that are too crispy and baked and spitty to be heard in public, and then after 30 years you learn the simple lesson that less is more and that more knobs invite more inefficient rabbit-holes.

In that light, the simple S73 represents I think the biggest no brainer purchase in the history of plugins. I love that simple, simple plugin. Used correctly, it treats tracks with respect, it has sonic options, it allows a % of its application strength to a source, has a wet/dry mix knob, has an "add air" button. It is not the solution for every track (I actually use it on tracks, never on the master bus!) AND it isn't light on CPU. But it makes things sound great. $35 bucks, no brainer.

I've been waiting on the multiband 1973, that's a good sale too, but my Fab MB and Lindell 354e seem to cover that ground ok.

I respect your opinion, as they say different strokes for different folks.

For anyone debating picking either up or one vs the other check out the fully functional trial versions that Softube has available.
Best test is always trying something on your own material.

Edited by TheSteven
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5 hours ago, TheSteven said:

I did and they referred me to the unlock sale happening this weekend.

The current unlock prices are consistent with what their Black Friday prices have been over the last several years.

Not a great response from them really. I get they don't have to, but in the same situation, a lot of companies might, when asked. Even if it was only $10 off or something as token gesture. I'd hazard a guess today it's likely not your only plugin of theirs, so for customer goodwill, it's not much.

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On 7/22/2022 at 11:18 PM, PhonoBrainer said:

Well, I know how compressors work. You fart around with knobs randomly, print a zillion mixes that are too crispy and baked and spitty to be heard in public, and then after 30 years you learn the simple lesson that less is more and that more knobs invite more inefficient rabbit-holes.

In that light, the simple S73 represents I think the biggest no brainer purchase in the history of plugins. I love that simple, simple plugin. Used correctly, it treats tracks with respect, it has sonic options, it allows a % of its application strength to a source, has a wet/dry mix knob, has an "add air" button. It is not the solution for every track (I actually use it on tracks, never on the master bus!) AND it isn't light on CPU. But it makes things sound great. $35 bucks, no brainer.

I've been waiting on the multiband 1973, that's a good sale too, but my Fab MB and Lindell 354e seem to cover that ground ok.

Great choices there for multiband and the Lindell is quite underrated.

S73 is great in it's own right. For anyone considering it though, I'd agree with Steven, that it's better to buy 1973.

The full 1973 also includes the presets from S73 so you can get the exact same sounds, but still have the ability to tweak them.

I don't normally look at presets for compressors, so I only recently discovered that. It was quite interesting to see exactly how they had made them for S73.

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