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Hellbender's Return


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I love the mundane subject matter presented with quirky urgency.

Mix is super clear. Everything is very distinct and enjoyable.  You did a really great job from conception to execution. 


Some ideas for improvement? I dunno. It's great. but I would almost bet a Thanos snap that it was mixed by a guitar player. That's clearly the focus. And the guitars totally shine - but I'd bring up the drums a fair bit in the non-vocal sections, and there is no discernable bass guitar. Is there a bass?  If not, there certainly could be . . . in a piece like this, Primus-like, more bass please?


Anyway, it matters little. It's still very listenable as is and the clarity is outstanding. Plus it's fun.

I nominate your song to be the Official Song of the official amphibian of the great state of Pennsylvania.





p.s. where's that confounded chorus?  ?



Edited by emeraldsoul
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Loved it!! Definitely  a "Primus-Like" feel. I never hear the guitars until Tom brought it up. I thought I was good at spotting a guitar player mixing!! But I was listening to what I took as the bass line. Or maybe is that a Baritone guitar?

Subject matter was very unusual to say the least! But the delivery kept my interest. Really nice effect, not to over done, just the right amount.

Excellent mix and master. I can't hear anything I would change. Good job.

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So, this is the official amphibian of my home state?  You'd think that Pennsylvania's officials would be able to come up with a more attractive amphibian than that!??

Neat use of the bass.  Love the percussive stuff,  At first I thought it was a clavinet, or something.

?John B

Edited by Johnbee58
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