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CBB Vst's Are Becoming Uncategorized


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Hi All,

Unfortunately I think it's time to leave Sonar i.e. Splat and CBB behind - I say it with total regret but the programmes are becoming unusable

The latest scenario is that Vst's that were in the correct Categories sections i.e. Vocals, Synths, Guitars  have been moved to Uncategorised and when I try to install them they crash both Splat & CBB - I've spent the last few weeks trying to isolate problems of CBB & Splat crashing i.e. from Uninstalling all Waves Plugins to starting projects in alternative ways i.e. AD2 after all the soft synths - Session Drummer instead of AD2 - etc etc etc etc etc - uninstalling/reinstalling CBB and nothing has worked

The only solution I can see is to uninstall both Splat and CBB and start again - but I was using these programmes to make music not to spend days trying to stop them crashing 

I know the above is a frustration rant but I really have had enough - but the best bit is I'll have to spend probably the same and probably more amount of time in appreciating how Reaper works or maybe another DAW i.e. Abbleton 

If anyone can see a simple way to reset Splat & CBB i.e. the correct order of uninstalling/reinstalling - just to get the programmes to just allow for the recording of music I would be most grateful.

Please don't take me the wrong way - I've always enjoyed the learning curve of using Splat & CBB in the honest attempt to create better music and learn production techniques but for the last few weeks I've really recorded nothing and spent the time trying to solve problems.

Anyway sorry to appear negative but if you have any ideas please let me know

Best to all





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Sorry you're having these problems, SPlat and now CbB are consistently solid for me, no issues.
First thing I'd check is that your vstscanpaths are not duplicated, for example C:\vst64\XYZ should not be there if C:\vst64 is listed, also reset and then scan in Prefs...

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Ted, I feel your pain in the frustration of wanting to create but having to deal with the PITA technical issues.  I hope you find a successful answer quick.  All I can tell you is my system still works fine. Something you changed recently, perhaps (Windows Update, maybe)?


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Are there any error messages when you get crashes? 

Are there any Windows error events visible in the Windows Event Viewer, that correspond to the time and date of any of the crashes?

What version of Windows are you running?

Is your Windows maintenance up to date?

Is your system BIOS up to date?

Are your drivers up to date for your interface?

Are these 32-bit plugins you are working with when you crash?

Are there any 32-bit plugins already loaded into projects that crash?  (please list them if present)

The issues you are having are just not prevalent - meaning whatever is happening to your system stability is most likely related to either (or both) your configured environment and/or one or more plugins you are using.  If indeed this is the case, then we should be able to work out the issues and get you stabilized.  You would see massive numbers of posts in these forums, if Cakewalk itself had problems so severe that the product was unusable, and that is just not the case, further lending credence to the idea that the issues are specific to your system itself or in the particular plugins you are attempting to use.  (including 32-bit plugins).  I cannot even recall the last time either Sonar Platinum or Cakewalk by Bandlab crashed on me.  (I only mention that to illustrate it being stable).

Please provide the information I am requesting above, and folks here in the forums will do our best to help you sort through whatever is happening.

Bob Bone

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That sounds pretty nasty.

Seems like something's gotten scrambled in the way that CbB keeps track of plug-ins, and from what I've seen, that information, or some of it, may persist after an uninstall, so if you do try an uninstall/reinstall, make sure you do a completely clean one.

There is probably a way to clear your system of all prior plug-in settings as well, although I don't know what it is. I'm sure that by this time you've contacted support.

As others have pointed out, obviously this is not common, and things can get corrupted on individual systems. Where I get frustrated is with programs that leave settings behind that perpetuate the problems I was trying to cure by uninstalling them! Usually in the registry, but maybe in an .ini file in my user profile.

Good luck whichever way you go, with a new DAW or whatever. Ableton Live is very different from Cakewalk. It's said that with the right theming you can get Reaper pretty close. Sometimes after a period of frustration and the damn thing just not working, the impulse is to never want to look at it again, but after all, it's free to jump back in any time you want, and I certainly recommend being reasonably proficient at more than one DAW. Very much so.

BTW, I have to say that I'm pleased with the lack of aggressive defensiveness displayed by people responding.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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I recently had a small version of the "uncategorised" part of your problem.

I installed a new VST synth and then found it in Uncategorized. I wanted to move it to Synth, but my old method didn't work. I didn't want to set up a custom layout, because then I'd have to manually move every new VST into it.

So I closed CbB and opened Sonar. I moved the new VST to the Synth category and closed Sonar. Then I reopened CbB and saw that the new VST was in Synth, where I wanted it.

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