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Samsung QVO 860 1 TB SSD

Larry Shelby

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I have this drive. There is a  fast SLC cache of about 30 gb that it writes to before it moves the data to the 4 bit memory. After that it slows down to about 80 mb/s if writing data beyond this amount which is going to be pretty rare. After it's loaded though, it behaves very close to my EVO with reading the data. This is a good price. I paid $99 for it a month ago. Also bear in mind the endurance is lower than the EVO, so good as a storage drive, but not as your main system drive.

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Most of the negative reviews are because of the lower endurance and warranty. I've written close to 900 gb without any issue and have used this for a month so far running Kontakt libraries off of it. As I said these are meant to be fast storage drives for your libraries, not as your main system drive. I also have the archives for all my libraries backed up on a hard drive in case it does fail. For me I only use these drives for 1-2 years, and then I replace them as something bigger, faster comes along. Know what your buying. Btw, 4 1/2 stars on Amazon with 220 vs. Newegg's 12 reviews. Also, 4 1/2 on BHPhoto with 33 reviews. Not trying to push these, just make an informed decision.

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1 hour ago, jesse g said:

I'm with bsstantini99,

Great as a backup drive or to hold Kontakt libraries.

Not me. Replacing drives 2 years unless it's for capacity reasons seems more of a testament of not trusting SSDs.  It's not cost effective if $100 means a lot to you.  My Intel drive failed in year 3 of 5 years.  It wasn't write related.   I have little faith in SSDs and I'd go for a 5yr. drive instead of saving $20 for a cheaper one for 3yrs.

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Yes I got one for my kontakt libraries but the cheapest I could get was $159.00 aud at MSY here locally. Typical aussie prices.

I just buy the cheapest samsung ssd drives I can get, use them for operating system and the libraries but I have a traditional 7200rpm HDD for my recording. I have another Samsung SSD for external backup.

Samsung have good reputation but at the end of the day, the cheapest, dumbest, slowest SSD you can find is still going to be way faster than anything you will ever be doing with music production.


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