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dSONIQ updates Realphones to v1.8

Larry Shelby

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dSONIQ has updated Realphones to version 1.8. They say:

dSONIQ Realphones is a software product designed for mixing with headphones.

Realphones 1.8 is a fundamental improvement in terms of overall sound quality. Headphone profiles, psychoacoustic target curves and room emulation are improved. The sound has become punchier, clearer, more detailed and now it is much closer to dSONIQ studio reference than before.

Realphones 1.8 got two new room emulations - "Car" and "Club".

Full list of changes:

Improvement in the overall sound quality.

Two new room emulations: Club, Car.

Standard correction profiles for the most popular Headphones updated.

Room emulation technology updated.

Audio engine update: "Presence" and "HRTF" modules are updated.

New limiter.

Latency reduced.

Bug fixes: cracking noise and resampling problems with Realphones System-Wide Windows app are solved.

Full native Apple Silicon support.

Stability improvements.

Other minor tweaks.

The upgrade is free for all Realphones users. All the trials are reset. If you took the trial period for Realphones 1.7 and earlier, you can now take it again:

Download the new version here: dsoniq.com/download

41-days free trial period: dsoniq.com/trial

There is a 45% discount on Realphones 1.8 until August 31, 2022.


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