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Scuffham S-Gear 3.0 is HERE!

Larry Shelby

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I'm really impressed with V3 and the new drive.  It doesn't seem like a big addition but it definitely adds what was missing for me before.  Even with just a slight bump, it brings everything to life.  

I used SGear a lot in the past and then kinda abandoned it for a long time.  Bought the upgrade last year on a whim, kinda liked it for a while, and then it went away again so I was happy to see the V3 upgrade was free for me.  AmpRoom with the Marshall upgrades is still king for me but this has certainly jumped up in the rankings based on a few hours with it.

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I bought S-Gear several years ago and never made much use of it. In the last year or so I've taken the time to really dig into it and now I  use it almost exclusively.

I built and use a Deluxe Reverb clone and a Tweed clone, they both sound  incredible. I recorded a tune with two guitar parts, one done with my DR clone and one with S-Gear. I've since fogotten which amp I used for what part and I can't tell by listening to the song.

I bought the upgrade this morning and am mightily pleased with it. Love the new boost pedal and the updated UI. Wish there was a bass amp, and I wish they'd put this thing into a pedal.

Edited by Kevin Walsh
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