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FX Chain not loading in Cakewalk by Bandlab

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2 issues.

First when I try to insert a FX Chain module on the ProChannel, Cakewalk shuts down each time not allowing me to do so. 

Second issue, if I try to insert/a FX Chain in the FX region of a track or bus I get the attached error.

Can someone help me here?



Edited by MattBWashington
spelling error
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It is possible that you have a lost or incompatible plugin that was saved into your FX Chain.
Try to build a new FX chain from known good Plugin EFX, save as FX Chain (or FX Chain Preset) and then close/reopen/reload session.
Insert the new built FX Chain first into the FX bin and see if it works.
If so, insert it into the ProChannel bin as an FX Chain preset and see if that works.

Maybe try to do this in a new empty session first also.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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This error is usually caused by your system files being out of sync, either by an Windows update that was only partially successful, or maybe a recent plugin install forced an install of older components.

The first thing to do is to install the VC++ redist pack here:  

Next, I'd recommend trying the following:

  • hold down the Windows Key and press X (which brings up a menu) then press A.  This will open Windows PowerShell.
  • enter the following:   sfc /scannow  this will attempt to scan and repair the windows system files. This may take a while.
  • If this doesn't work, try entering this: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth   this will try to download and replace any corrupt windows files, and may take a few minutes.  Afterwards, run sfc /scannow again.
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