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Wavegrove Temper released - A top-end refinement audio tool

Larry Shelby

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Temper is a plugin to to refine your high end frequencies. It's based on concepts around hysteresis, but with some additional features that make it much more useful in deciding how you want your highs to sound. You can think of it like a more pro-version of Vastaus with more bells and whistles.

Try it after your de-essers to refine to final sound of your vocal, tame down samples in a beat, or make your cymbals less ear-bleeding and more airy. Shines on mastering purposes to get a more thick top-end

The plugin can be quite CPU intensive at times, but I'll be working to get it down! Use it on busses and the master channel primarily. It works just as well, or even better on there.

Have fun with it!


- SHIFT messes with time constants inside the algorithm to increase or decrease 'drag'.

- RANGE acts like a threshold picking up different frequencies along for the ride.

- TEMPER is the amount of the hysteresis applied onto the sound.

- HARDEN is a pseudo-EQ that interacts with Temper. I would suggest to try them in opposite directions first to get a good grasp of the interaction.

- HIGH EMPAHSIS is an EQ boost or CUT for Temper, which is applied before Temper is applied, so you can get interesting effects with addative and subtractive values.

- LOW EMPHASIS is a blooming low end boost or cut for the fully WET signal.

- BLEND is a master control for the dry/wet signal blend.




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