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Storm Damage


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A few years back I had the TV tuned to a news station, but was in the other room so I could hear it but not see it. A reporter in the US was interviewing a man whose house, along with many others, had just been torn apart by a tornado. The man sounded particularly distraught as he went on to explain that this was the second time in so many years that he had lost literally everything. His previous house was in New Orleans and had been wiped out by Katrina. He said that he came to the conclusion that he just couldn't take the chance of starting over in NO, so he moved to where he was now so that he could feel safe and now this happens. I couldn't help but feel for the guy and was just thinking....that poor man, what are the chances........ when the journo wrapped up his piece stating....." I'm so and so, reporting live from Tornado Alley. I stopped feeling quite so sorry for the guy then.

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3 hours ago, paulo said:

'Cos you never get storms in Florida, right?

Well, once in awhile we do get the casual rain cloud strolling by....just not to the extent that Bill goes through regularly. B|

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57 minutes ago, Mesh said:

Well, once in awhile we do get the casual rain cloud strolling by....just not to the extent that Bill goes through regularly. B|

A couple of times when I was there it got pretty rough from what I was seeing on the TV, though luckily each time I was based on the opposite coastline to the path they were taking, so I was able to pretty much keep out of the way of them. I've never forgiven those storms for causing me to miss seeing the space shuttle take off on one occasion and land on another though. ?


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