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What's the verdict on Pau Ferro


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Bought one of these (MIM Player series) a few years ago, but ended up having to sell it because, budget… I really liked it though, so I am trying to budget a new one. Celebrating the big 5-0 in a few weeks and I have been  wanting to add a Strat to my collection - and getting one of these would be more cost-effective than getting my 96 US re-fretted and all fixed up. 

I’ve always played maple fretboards on Strats, but this time I was considering maybe trying rosewood - which, as it turns out is not an option at this time. Pau Ferro is the alternative. I hear purists cringe. Anyone’s worked with a Pau Ferro fretboard? Thoughts? Unless it’s been some kind of revelation, I’ll most likely stick with maple, but who knows…


My 2 other contenders were a Jimmie Vaughan signature and a Hendrix signature - although, as cool as the reveresed headstock looks, I find it less comfortbale for tuning. I am not much for signature guitars, but these two are quite nice.

Edited by Rain
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maybe check neck finish (gloss sticky clearcoat on Player series ?), and doesn't look great on headstock either imo.

for me would not matter. would just sand/buff it down.

only had 1 Fender ever (blacktop Tele) and even that 'cheap' one felt awesome/built like a tank.

good luck/have fun 


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I don't know why anyone would cringe unless it's about the color, poorly fretted or fret sprout issues. I've never played one myself but hear it's in between, warmth of rosewood but snappier with the attack of ebony or maple.

I do seem to notice that new import guitars (such as teles) are heavier these days, 8 lbs+.., that would bother more than the neck being Pau Ferro. Also the pups & electronics usually suck on imports.

Always best to play the guitar if you can, all that can go out the window especially where major brands are concerned.

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Cannot help you on the Pau Ferro fingerboard as I do not think I have played one. But Guitar Center has a Fender Strat with a Pau Ferro fingerboard on the Pick of the Day on sale. $200 off.  It is a red burst color with a HSS pickup config. If you do not like the color maybe you could call and see if they would give you the deal for another one.




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                                        I love the Pau Ferro fingerboard I have on my unique  36 year old Telecaster .


                                          Fender Esquire .jpg

Back in the day. Pau Ferro was considered an exotic wood . Pau Ferro fingerboards were right up there in quality with Ebony and other exotic "tone" woods .

Mighty Mite and a number of other parts manufacturers were the only places where you could order and buy replacement necks , bodies , and guitar parts using this wood .

I got my Pau Ferro fingerboard  neck from Ruddy's ...this neck was an option used on some of the Pensa-Suhr guitars of that era ...

Here's a nice little read / article on the current state of guitars and companies that use Pau Ferro ...


all the best ,






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Thanks for the feedback, folks. 

Still haven't completely made up my mind, although I do tend to be partial to maple because, well,  it's what I am used to. Ordering online makes the whole process a bit more complicated, as you can't really try (well, there's always returns, but it's a pain). I might take a chance, though.

I've always had good luck ordering from Sweetwater. I don't think I've ever returned a guitar. Got a Gibson SGJ, a tele,  a strat and a Schecter Hellraiser from them,  all keepers - I only adjusted the action a bit.

I've also ordered a few from AMS - including my beloved Les Paul Studio and my SG -  but had to return at least 3 guitars to them. 

Unless I really can't find the guitar I am looking for at Sweetwater, I stick with them. With the others, it's a gamble.

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I don't drive - and I am so perfectly happy living a recluse life. lol

There is a Guitar Center not too ridiculously far - there used to be, anyway. I don't think I've been there since 2016. 

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 OK  I get it . I'm somewhat of a recluse myself  .

Where you live I would imagine it would be tough to get around hoofing it in the super hot weather you get at times.

After hearing what you said  I can see why you prefer to purchase your gear on line from a trusted Music Store .

What ever you do don't risk your peace of mind and sanity by shopping at Guitar center ?  

all the best ,


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  On 6/17/2022 at 8:45 PM, kennywtelejazz said:

                                        I love the Pau Ferro fingerboard I have on my unique  36 year old Telecaster .


                                          Fender Esquire .jpg







I would get one if the new one's looked like this, but to me the new ones they are putting out just look like a rosewood fretboard that hasn't been oiled in 20 years. Horrible light, dry, parched color. Completely destroys it, I would rather choose maple.  I like dark rosewood fretboards and before anyone suggests it, no, I wont be putting stain or boot polish on a new fretboard to make it darker like some are doing. I'll stick to older secondhand strat's and tele's with nice dark rosewood.

Kenny, how come yours looks so dark and rich?

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  On 6/21/2022 at 12:43 AM, Tezza said:

I would get one if the new one's looked like this, but to me the new ones they are putting out just look like a rosewood fretboard that hasn't been oiled in 20 years. Horrible light, dry, parched color. Completely destroys it, I would rather choose maple.  I like dark rosewood fretboards and before anyone suggests it, no, I wont be putting stain or boot polish on a new fretboard to make it darker like some are doing. I'll stick to older secondhand strat's and tele's with nice dark rosewood.

Kenny, how come yours looks so dark and rich?


Yes I get what you are saying . I have a few  guitars that have a light anemic looking fingerboard .

The neck you have been asking me about has been on my guitar for 36 years and counting . Also there is a big difference between the quality of woods available on guitars from 36 years ago and what many folks consider the quality of woods available  today ?

While we are at it , I might as well tell you what happened to the neck I pulled of my MIJ Fender Esquire in 1986  ...

I kept it stored in a box for 20 + years  and then in the 2000's I placed it on my Samick  Valley Arts Telecaster ..

Ain't she pretty



all the best ,


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  On 6/21/2022 at 4:36 AM, kennywtelejazz said:

Yes I get what you are saying . I have a few  guitars that have a light anemic looking fingerboard .

The neck you have been asking me about has been on my guitar for 36 years and counting . Also there is a big difference between the quality of woods available on guitars from 36 years ago and what many folks consider the quality of woods available  today ?

While we are at it , I might as well tell you what happened to the neck I pulled of my MIJ Fender Esquire in 1986  ...

I kept it stored in a box for 20 + years  and then in the 2000's I placed it on my Samick  Valley Arts Telecaster ..

Ain't she pretty



all the best ,



Maybe it's wishfull thinking. but I seem to notice that the fretboard on my Les Paul studio is noticeably darker than it was when I first got it.

Taken the day I got it in 2015 (poor quality pic, I know):



This pro shot gives a good idea of the color:



And that's a few weeks ago:


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Incidentally, I did order the white + maple neck Fender Player yesterday morning.

For a few hours I hesitated between that and a black one to replace my old US (at least until I get it fixed), mostly because I have such a long history with black strats and also because I'd been listening to Pink Floyd, and Gilmour is one of the reasons I got my first black strat back in the days.

Next time, maybe...

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