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(Unofficial) Komplete Kontrol M32 deep integration with Cakewalk


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I have recently bought NI M32. Now, after several weeks, I have written a small review about it.

If you want uncover the potential of that controller and you don't mind to use 3d party tool (AZ Controller), there is a possibility to:

  • simplify KK instance selection
  • work with ACT plug-in mapping ("natively", so with indicated current bank and parameter names/values on display, coarse/fine changes)
  • choose FX/Synth from the keyboard
  • control loop/auto-punch (including time selection) from the keyboard

And a bit more.

Details on my site.


PS. I am almost sure the preset will work for A25/49/61 the same way. I don't have S keyboard, so related extras are not implemented.

Edited by azslow3
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2 hours ago, Craig Anderton said:

FWIW, for S-series keyboards, I wrote How to Use Cakewalk with Komplete Kontrol.  However it doesn't cover the M or A-series keyboards.

S Mk2 supports MCU (default mode of DAW ports, at least according to NI documentation). I think that is in general better then "ACT MIDI", keyboard should display tracks and transport buttons should have feedback.

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Thanks so much for doing this Azslow3, I'm trying it out with my M32!

Most things appear to be working as you explain on your web site, that is great.

When I first installed it, the ACT sub-mode was partially working, a few parameters of focused effects would be mapped to the knobs and work as expected. Then I saw your instructions to delete all of the XML files, so I did that, thinking that the ACT sub-mode might work even better. But it's not working at all now. I even reinstalled the NI M32 preset, but no parameters are mapped in ACT sub-mode, though the Metro light is bright indicating it went into that mode. Do you have any idea what I might have done wrong and/or how I can get the ACT sub-mode working as intended?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide!

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In pre-installed XMLs there was "some" mappings. It can be some of them was partially usable. With this preset M32 controls so called "ACT faders" only, delivered mappings are primary for 8+8+8 Faders/Knobs/Buttons. That is why I write partially.

By default when there is no mapping (after deleting all XMLs) everything is mapped to "ACT knobs". So you can't control anything from M32. There are 3 ways to map:

  1. one is "ACT Learning". You press ACT Learn button "A L" (if you are learning FX it is right there, if you are learning PC Module use one on ACT top bar module). Modify some plug-in parameters in sequence (using mouse), then turn M32 knobs (in ACT mode) in the same sequence. Press "A L" button again. You should get confirmation dialog "... map X controls to Y parameters...". Check X is equal to Y. If not, parameters you wanted are not "learnable" (see method (3))
  2. is a variation of (1). Open AZ Controller UI, switch to ACT Tab. Focus plug-in in question, you should see current mapping. You can use the procedure of (1) but "pressing" buttons in the "Faders" column instead of touching M32 knobs (remember you have 4 banks, so 32 faders in total). This way you see current mapping, so "strategical planning" is simpler.
  3. it can be you can't ACT learn (also happens with Cakewalk plug-ins), or your current mapping is a mess and you want start from scratch, you want re-arrange mapping, etc. Close Cakewalk (important !). Start ACTFix. Switch to "AZ Controller" mapping (combo-box on top). Select plug-in in question. Here you can reset/rearrange/etc the mapping.

After learning some plug-ins using 1-2, I strongly recommend close Cakewalk, open ACTFix and just "Save" to make a backup. If ACTFix report "corruption", restore from backup. When corrupted, Cakewalk can't use these files but it does not report that.  Your old mappings will be broken, your new mappings will not be saved, etc.

Note 1: if you don't see parameter you want in ACTFix, the parameter is most probably "not controllable". At least not in Cakewalk.

Note 2: instruments you can map in KK and then use KK mode to control. Advantages:  you can have different mappings for each preset, the mapping is nicely displayed in KK. Also there are NKS presets/mappings for many  instruments  in the Internet.

Note 3: for instruments/guitar effects you may prefer to use MIDI control. So with MIDI track and in MIDI mode. Some synths allow "MIDI learn" what is not possible "ACT Learn" (and not KK map).

PS. all that sounds like lengthy and complicated, but in practice using any of these methods is simple and quick (once you have mapped the first plug-in and understood the procedure).

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Thanks so much for the wealth of information. I think it explains what I'm seeing.

The mappings appear in the ACT tab of AZ Controller, but they are not "connected" to the M32 knobs because they are associated with the ACT rotors, not the ACT sliders, and it's the ACT sliders that are associated with  the M32 knobs. And since I'm starting with a clean slate, I'll have to manually convert all of the FX and instruments I want to control in this way. Do I have that right? I'll experiment over the next few days and see what I can do.

Do you know if there would be any way with the M32 to have a selectable "flip" in mix mode, where the knobs control pan instead of volume? I know the shift key does this, but you have to maintain the press of the shift key while turning the knobs. Since I don't have a right hand, that's not really possible. It would be great, even if I have to give up some other functionality, say the Loop toggle, if that could function as a latching shift key. Maybe it's not possible, since the shift functionality seems to be strictly internal to the M32, but if anyone could think of a way to do it, you could!


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6 hours ago, ptheisen said:

And since I'm starting with a clean slate, I'll have to manually convert all of the FX and instruments I want to control in this way. Do I have that right?


6 hours ago, ptheisen said:

I know the shift key does this, but you have to maintain the press of the shift key while turning the knobs.

Since DAW is not informed when Shift is pressed, that was not foreseen. I suggest to ask NI for double pressing shift or some other way to latch.

I can branch my preset to control pan, even so the device will still show "Vol" on display. But selecting KK instance nor MIDI mode can't be workarounded.


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Yes, double pressing shift to latch it would be ideal, I'll try to ask NI about that.

Thanks again for creating this preset and all the additional information!

I hope all the other M32 owners using CbB will give it a try. And as you said, it should also  work for any of the A series keyboards.

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Sorry for bumping own thread... but Google is definitively not my friend and attempts to put comments to videos from known "Cakewalk bloggers" have failed (comments disappeared).

I mean when someone is looking for a good solution, he/she had no change to find it ?

So I have created my own video (see the first post) ?

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