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Waves Realtime and Waves Tune


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Hi All,

Is anybody using Waves Realtime & or Waves Tune in CBB. 

Am I correct in thinking that these 2 plugins require ReWire activation in Waves and creation of a Vocal Aux Track for the ReWire plugin as in Pro Tools?

Did you have any problems installing or inserting into tracks?

Any help or advice most welcome



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I use waves tune. I just put it as an fx on a audiotrack and it works ok.

I do get a message about "no rewire" but ignore it.

I've only used it to read the audio and save it as midi. That works fine.

Well...not perfect but the cleaning part of the midi isn't so bad. ?

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Thanks Kurre,

Thanks for the feedback - I may have a process you may want to use to get Waves Tune fully functional

I've been having problems with Waves Real Time so was looking for a solution - the short version is I ran the Waves ReWire.exe which then became available in the CBB Insert  Options - Uncategorised options. I created a new track with only stereo send and added the Rewire to that. Then put Waves Tune on the Vox Track. 

Scanned the vox - there was no error message - the timelines of the CBB and Waves Tune were in sync and the Waves Transport showed "Scanning" and there is a nice little pink box moving across the Waves Tune timeline show exactly where the scanning is - not really explaining it very well but it looked pretty impressive.

Didn't help with the Waves Real Time problem ha ha but something positive at least

Thanks again for the feedback - if you want any clarification of the procedure just let me know - I'll have to rework it out myself for complete clarity



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Seems there's no difference between our procedures.

When i have Waves tune on my audiotrack i open it and can adjust settings before starting by hitting the play button in CbB. Then scanning and pink box and that's it.

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