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Reaper Updated to 6.59

Larry Shelby

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REAPER 6.59: There Will Be REAPER Cushions

Changelog items below may include • links to more information.

Media explorer

add actions to sort file list by specific columns

display favorite state during searches •

support adding user-defined tags (any plain text, like "Instrument" or "Quality")

user-defined tags will be cached locally and can be written to media files for some media types


when rendering, ensure user-entered bitrate is in range •

improve final packet rounding to minimize padding when encoding •

support encoding floating-point values greater than +0dB

use smaller default frame size when encoding


fix minor sidebar issue in default theme •

restore old display behavior of pre-version 5 themes with transparent media item background images •

update theme tweaker description for shared theme color •

fix corner case of parsing .] in WALTER •

treat 'scalar==vector' in WALTER comparisons as 'scalar==vector{0}' rather than 'scalar==0' •


allow encoding video-only m4v/mov when using AVFoundation

fix potential use-after-free memory error when using video processors and multiple copies of the same source

improve ffmpeg bitrate controls for various codecs

support passing ffmpeg command line options directly when rendering

simplify WMF encoding settings


allow setting FX instance oversampling for multiple items at once in chain view •

prevent unintended drag/drop of FX when quickly clicking on multiple track FX buttons in a row


fix appearance of modal windows when switching to/from dark mode •

when using default system output device, detect device changes (e.g. from plugging in headphones) •

Razor edits

add mouse modifiers to select razor edit area and time together, in track, media item, and media item edge contexts

handle mouse modifier mapped to "no action" by passing through to underlying context

more precise peaks drawing at razor edit edges during mouse edits

Recent projects

add option to control whether projects are added to recent list when loading

add option to disable 'Save copy of project' being added to recent list

add option to have old project removed from recent list when using 'Save new version of project'


when rendering MPEG-4, use .mp4/.m4v/.m4a extensions by default depending on whether audio/video streams exist (can be changed in render dialog if desired)

improve normalization speed when rendering audio-only MPEG-4


add actions to move/copy contents of time selection to edit cursor •

Batch converter

add menu item to display converted file properties

Click source

fix saving default shape setting

Color theme

apply mute/inactive/locked theme overlay to outer margins of media item background images

Free item positioning

do not normalize media item heights when cut/copy/pasting to FIPM track •


fix crash on startup when loading docked FX •


correctly use default-project samples when creating a new project and previous project had samples set

MIDI editor

add undo points when changing time selection via alt+right drag •


reduce audio thread interruptions when moving/copying contents of project regions


slight thread scheduling optimization


support GetMediaFileMetadata(src, "Generic:BPM") to get any existing BPM metadata


fix channel tool total channel count configuration state save/restore •


prevent excess RAM use when resampling during recording/render/bounce when output is mp3, opus, or MPEG-4/WMF •

Routing matrix

fix macOS resize drawing glitch


convert/trim will now convert .m4a files •


detect when an incomplete upgrade/install occurred and warn user •

Track routing window

fix display issues with UTF-8 localizations •


add option to allow multiple plug-ins with the same VST3 UID16 •


add projects to system-wide recent documents list on save

  • Thanks 1
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