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pre-roll record


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would be nice to have a pre-roll record function, like studio one has. you can specify a number of beats/bars that will play before the playhead marker sets record so that you can hear the track(s) up to the record point... makes it easier to play along to the music for punch and rolling. basically, this is exactly the same as when a producer plays a track and manually punches you in while it plays, but enables to you to do it when you are tracking yourself.

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in order to punch in cakewalk, you have to define a punch out point too. you can work around it by setting the punch out time waaay ahead in the project, but it would be easier to include a pre roll. you are not understanding my request... it's basically an option to have a set number of beats or bars play before the recording starts and NOT have a specified punch OUT point. i want it to punch IN and not out, ie, just punch and keep recording indefinitely. 

here is an example of what I'm referring to, as I am not sure how to make it any clearer in text 


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I understand the request and can see that it would be handy but honestly I just set my punch in point and then one mouse click puts the now time a few bars ahead. I do this with out even thinking about it. 
If they added the feature I would use it for sure but it would make little difference other than that one mouse click 

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It's annoying if you dont want it to punch out and want it to keep recording. It'd be better to not have to rely on workarounds. They could add the option to the metronome page in preferences, or recording in audio etc. This would not be a very hard option to add i would think, and i believe a lot of folks would use it. What is the point of feature requests if folks just dismiss them? This would be a useful feature to add

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Keep in mind that a pre roll record punch isn't just for punching in and out where you made a mistake, it allows you to play along to the track before recording starts in order to get a more seemless transition between wave regions and not have to trim/tidy up the connect points as much. Playing along a few bars and recording into the next part makes for a much more natural take. Not having to worry about where the punch out of a region is is immensely helpful, and having the pre roll start by a user defined amount would allow a fast, expected workflow during the songwriting/tracking stage. This is the only real thing i currently think is missing from cakewalk that i would use a LOT.

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This seems more complicated than just putting the cursor/Now Time where you want it - I don't always want the same "pre-roll" setting, even in the same project, so having to change an actual setting rather than just click seems...pointless.

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20 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

This seems more complicated than just putting the cursor/Now Time where you want it - I don't always want the same "pre-roll" setting, even in the same project, so having to change an actual setting rather than just click seems...pointless.

That is the beauty of this addition, it would be an option you could select. Don't want it? Don't use it. I want it, as well as a few others

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33 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

Fair enough - I just can't what real problem this solves.

It's a workflow improvement. I used to use cubase in the past and it has a similar option, and i saw the option in studio one as well. You don't have to set markers or any of that, with the option selected, you get pre-roll right from the playhead. Just makes tracking faster if you are recording part by part or completely flub a take. There's a reason it's an option in other DAWs, it's quite useful

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I also support this feature request.

I've used pre-roll in Cubase in the past for dubbing. It was awesome. With a keyboard shortcut, you can enable or disable it, so you can start playing from the cursor point, or X seconds before (and record with pre-roll, of course). I would love to have that in Cakewalk too, the workflow is much slower for large dubbings, going back and forward to begin the recording (and then just listening to that part).

With the punch function, I see I can record in a specific portion only and that's ok, but... the workflow is not the same, at least for the dubbing case.

Edited by Bronxio
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58 minutes ago, Bronxio said:

I also support this feature request.

I've used pre-roll in Cubase in the past for dubbing. It was awesome. With a keyboard shortcut, you can enable or disable it, so you can start playing from the cursor point, or X seconds before (and record with pre-roll, of course). I would love to have that in Cakewalk too, the workflow is much slower for large dubbings, going back and forward to begin the recording (and then just listening to that part).

With the punch function, I see I can record in a specific portion only and that's ok, but... the workflow is not the same, at least for the dubbing case.

It is absolutely a huge workflow improvement. Tracking parts more specifically, or writing on the fly while recording etc

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