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file not supported message is wrong

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so I was trying to import an audio file into my project (which is mp4, ogg, and wav, all of which are format files that bandlab supports) and I tried importing but it still says 'file not supported' what is wrong here? need help as soon as possible on this one

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I just did a quick test by dragging some mp4 and ogg files into Cakewalk. It worked.  I dragged the files from a file window (I use "Everything") onto an audio track.  I also tried the Menu Bar > File > Import > Audio method.  That worked, too.

Its hard to tell what you might be doing wrong because you haven't stated the steps you took.


Have you looked at the format of the files under the file's Properties > Details?  Maybe that info might be helpful to diagnose the problem you are having.

Edited by User 905133
to add a reference to Properties > Details; to add a link to the online documentation for "Import"
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22 minutes ago, Kurre said:

I think i have seen that before. It was because they where in a zipfile. You have to unzip first, if that's the case.

I deleted a question ("By any chance are you trying to import a compressed file?") after I tried Menu > File > Import with the zip file I was using as a test because CbB didn't even see it.  I just tried the drag and drop method with an mp3 file in a zip file and all I get in the circle with the line through it.

I am interested to know what method the OP used to get that message.  

I did get a file not supported message when I tried to import a file that was 0 bytes long.  Maybe there's a size limit?

Edited by User 905133
fixed typos
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Interesting.  I never tried having CbB try to convert different types of files at the same time.  Thanks for the tip--just in case I am tempted to do that for real.  I tried as a test, and the presence of an mp4 file caused CbB to have an immediate shut-down type crash.  Nice to know that even at my age I still have room to lean new things! (Thanks for that, too!)

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