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East West Release Pop Brass

Larry Shelby

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EastWest Release Hollywood Pop Brass

The ultimate ensemble pop/Latin brass collection that will leave you screaming and hollering for more!

A virtual Instrument capturing a 4 piece brass ensemble for when you need a tight and dynamic brass section

Created for one simple reason - to give you that fiery, punchy pop brass sound that made songs like Uptown Funk such mega hits.

Save 25% off MSRP Get it for £345inc/€390inc/$399

https://www.timespace.com/products/eastwest-hollywood-pop-brass?utm_campaign=Wednesday 19th June 2019 - Eastwest%2C Hollywood pop brass (HyungM)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=31-60 Days Engaged Customers&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjY2xhcnJ5MTIyNzAwQGhvdG1haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiTHRUSGRUIn0%3D

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28 minutes ago, reginaldStjohn said:

I have been looking for a good pop brass section. However this one is a bit too rich for me right now.

Any suggestions on other similar ones at a bit lower price?

I like session horns it's pretty convincing ....

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Standard if i recall well .... also the stock kontakt stuff are more han usuable ...

i have also the small package from ew  call 

25th Anniversary Collection

EW QL Brass


it s 49 bucks and really usable 


go in product and 25 th anniversay collection and sçroolll and listen to the demo ...

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I have just install this (I have a Composer Cloud Subscription) First impressions are it sounds very good. There are the usual multi-sampled sustains and staccatos as well as phrases, licks and effects. The material is there for creating a very effective pop brass part. It is worth noting that all the patches are ensembles, you don't get sax, trumpet etc. presented individually.

As usual with EW there are many different "patches" in 8 folders. Folder 8 contains key-switched patches which bring many of the others into single patches. These can of course take a lot longer to load as the are many more samples. Anyway if you are familiar with EW you will know the score.

I would not have bought it, but then again I don't use this type of brass sound much but I expect i will use it occasionally. The thing I have found with the Composer Cloud subscription is that is is the libraries I would never have bought that are the ones I am most likely to use.


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3 minutes ago, Zo said:

Curious to know witch ones ...

Silk, Voices of Passion, Voices of Empire, Voices of Opera, the solo cello and various orchestral stuff have all found their way onto tracks.

Ghost Writer, The Dark Side and Ministry of Rock were the main drivers to sign up but I used those a lot less.

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Lol yep ghost writer is a dissapointent , it sounds superb but in real the library is 1/4 of he size with withbpatches present multiple time with onlyban fx here and there to create a new entry , shame ...

how do you find voice  of soul ?

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