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Oeksound Smoothe and Spiff get M1 Updates

Larry Shelby

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soothe2 changelog


Released on May 2nd 2022new

macOS: native M1 support

presets (from us, Henkka and Luis Barrera Jr.)


Windows: removed 32-bit versions

minor improvements to the built-in tutorials


certain parameters didn’t change in specific cases when browsing presets

Pro Tools: preset changes weren’t reflected in the preview buffer or in automation with latch mode on

minor visual inconsistency with the delta switch when toggling the band listen mode

canttutthis error on very specific machine setups

various smaller fixes

spiff changelog


Released on May 2nd 2022new

built-in tutorials

macOS: native M1 support

presets (from us and MsM)


Windows: removed 32-bit versions


certain parameters didn’t change in specific cases when browsing presets

Pro Tools: preset changes weren’t reflected in the preview buffer or in automation with latch mode on

canttutthis error on very specific machine setups

various smaller fixes

Edited by cclarry
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