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Initial Audio Sektor updated to 1.6.1

Larry Shelby

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We have just updated Sektor to version 1.6.1 which includes support for Asio drivers in standalone mode, improvements to MPE support, performance improvements, bug fixes and more. Please visit our official website to download the demo, full version or update and read the full changelog at my account.

A new update for Slice including Pro Tools AAX support, Asio driver support in standalone mode, new features such as drum sequencer swing, new factory loops and many other improvements is underway. Stay tuned!


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Here's the full change log. For a "dot" update (from x.x.0 to x.x.1), this is pretty major. Really happy they added ASIO support to the Windows standalone version.

EDIT: Also loving the reduced CPU hit!

Version 1.6.1

Added a visible menu for polarity to the expression envelopes. Was only accessible via right click Menu before.

Added an MPE visual keyboard for when Sektor is in MPE Mode.

Added support for ASIO drivers on Windows in the standalone app.

Added support for bluetooth midi devices on Windows in the standalone app.

Improved point deleting behaviour in the Modulation envelopes.

Reduced CPU of the oscillators by ~50% when not modulating the wavetable position or pitch. With a reduction of ~40% when modulating.

Reduced the CPU use of the LFOs by ~50%

When reloading a project if a destination wasn’t enabled, enabling it didn’t work.

Fixed bluetooth midi not working in standalone on Mac OS 11

Fixed MPE Mode not working correctly.

Fixed the delay mix reseting to full mix in certain situations.

Fixed right click delete points in the expression envelopes deleting the wrong point.

Stability fixes.

Edited by John Maar
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