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Sweetwater Exclusive - 40% off DDMF Plugins

Larry Shelby

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Wow, PluginDoctor is really a must-have for any plug-in addict. Especially if, like me, you've been very curious about what the various "character" EQ's and compressors in your toolkit are really doing. MTurboEQ and MTurboComple, I'm (literally) looking at you. All of those models in MTurboComple that have both a "compression" knob and a "threshold" knob. ?

I was charmed to find that one of my favorite "digital" compressors, MCompressor, actually has a little upward kink after the knee, which the dbx 165 emulations I ran through it also have. No wonder I like it so much. Turns out it has some "character" after all.

What I'm hoping is that by giving me a better insight into how these processors are actually behaving, I can do some weeding. Choose my favorite fast or squishy compressors, precision and character EQ's, etc. Do some checking into which ones are throwing off harmonics (desirable or not).

Check out this review by our own Dave Bitflipper: https://soundbytesmag.net/review-plugindoctor-from-ddmf/

He's right, the thing is just plain FUN.

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